So we have PD, and so what. 1000's ney 10's of 1000's. hell just about everyone is touched with illness, whether its PD, Cancer, MS, Heart Conditions, trauma, major or minor it is not unique. So illness is nothing special. We don't need special attention we just need treatment, options, to know all that can be done is being done and a professional care team, that do care. What is special however is how we deal with it and the impact on our lives. These are a few of my own kinda rules for myself
1. Don't whine and moan. If there is a specific issue then deal with it properly
2. Never think 'why me', its irrelevant it is you and you can't change it
3. Don't look to others for answers, find your own, seek support and encouragement
4. Don't blame every little thing on PD, its not a reason nor an excuse
5. Don't become illness obsessed, it isn't your new job
6. Keep as active and involved as possible
7. Share all the insight and positives learnings
8. Make sure your life is the one you want
9. Most times a situation is just 'life' and affects everyone to some degree
10. Be the best you can be everyday, don't let even one slide
I can't say U achieve all of that, but I sure as hell try my hardest.
We are not chronically ill we are chronically well living with a degenerative condition. So lets be special and rise up, meet it head on and be proud of all we do. You don't need to carry a torch to shine.
C x