I have seen several messages that ask the same thing. Answers people reply to or questions asked are not much help if a persons does know the meaning.
Still trying to find out what all the abb... - Cure Parkinson's
Still trying to find out what all the abbrevations mean. Please some one providea listof them with there meaning. .

I think life it self nowadays is abbreviated but yes People in all areas now seem to use abbreiviations in everything. If you see specific ones you dont understand, do ask I feel sure one of us on here will know what it is
TTFN (ta ta for now)

That's right. If you have a specific abbreviation just ask. Someone will surely be able to answer. E.g. PWP=persons with Parkinson's.
I found this site through googling "abbreviations net Parkinson's". There are several others that look good,
That's how I learned.
Sometimes there is just so little energy that every keystroke is hard work.
I ask this question some time ago, and got a lot of different answers! If people would just write the words , especially for those that are new to Parkinson's Disease it would help so much. Thank you for the web site! Some will just take the shortest route even to leave others behind and questioning!! Please be thoughtful of the new people on the this board and do not always use abbreviations! If you can!
Thank you.