The playing field for the PD community was leveled a bit more with the introduction of the Fox Trial Finder. The connection between volunteer and coordinator is one that I've felt has needed to be strengthened so that involvement becomes personal. I don't think there is one among us that doesn't appreciate being called by name and made to feel that you are a partner in the process to find new therapies and even a cure.
Becoming involved in the trial process is very much like the work we do as advocates. By this I mean that we will introduce ourselves, tell you a bit about us, tell you that we're available to help, and ask how we can be used in the most effective manner. Yet I understand that not everyone is comfortable opening up and sharing, which is where the Fox Trial Finder will make it easier for those to remain anonymous, until which time they choose to reveal their identity to the site coordinator, and see the opportunities available to them and decide that it's time to take part.
This cutting-edge technology has been made available to us. Now it's our turn to make the Fox Trial Finder a success by promoting it at every opportunity.