"Treatment of Parkinson’s symptoms, such as tremors or balance problems, using an oral orthotic has shown to be effective in specific case studies of PD. Disturbances in the trigeminal nerve have the potential to alter normal functions of the cerebellum (which is involved in maintaining balance and posture) and can induce the balance and motor symptoms found in the disease (Sims & Demerjian, 2012). When these disturbances are corrected using an oral orthotic, it can lead to improvement of balance and gait as well as decrease or elimination of tremors, correction of head posture or position, and release of neck tension (Demerjian, Sims, & Stack, 2011)."
tremor - you have not seen this one - Cure Parkinson's
tremor - you have not seen this one
Amazing techniques. Thanks for sharing
That's something I'm definitely going to investigate further. Thank you so much for sharing! Are you going to try to get the mouthpiece?
Not me.
I've had this treatment with moderate, temporary success. The problem (at least for me) was that we couldn't get it to sustain. The dentists who do this work all have different methods. I believe they have had more consistent success treating dystonia than PD. Be prepared to spend several thousands of dollars.
What do you mean by "we couldn't get it to sustain"? Can you elaborate further
How long did it last before symptoms came back?
Was it explained to you why the treatment is not subtainable ?
The treatment is different for every person and it is far more "art" than "science." The dentists who do this work each have their own method and a lot of what they do is instinctive. Dr. Demerjian was writing a book that was supposed to be out over a year ago. I can't tell you why it did not sustain. I initially had a very good response that lasted about two days. Then I went through a couple of days of adjustments and had about a week of lessened symptoms, then regressed. Two weeks later I flew back to CA for more adjustments and saw some improvement briefly that lasted again about a week. I never really saw much improvement after that although I traveled back and forth for treatment regularly for a year and a half. I continue wearing appliances to this day because the treatment has altered my jaw and bite dramatically, not necessarily for the better.
Wow! Thanks for explaining and for sharing your experience
From your perspective, in the long run it's not worth it
It also seems like it's experimental
I tried this four years ago with a dentist in London who specialised in tmj problems. Many appointments, mouth pieces to wear day and night. Much money parted with. No improvement in symptoms. Not a magic cure for all! It would not be the first thing I recommended a pwp try!
No i have not but i have had a little experience with it. I lost 2 front teeth and the parcel i wear has affected my PD. I told my wife when i started using it about a month ago it was affecting my PD she said it was just me and there was no way it could. I guess i was right. It was so strange when i saw this. Damn
I have seen this provide relief for some people with cervical dystonia. My brother uses an appliance at night for sleep apnea (moves the jaw) and it has altered his bite significantly. It has affected his speech a bit as a result.
"Can be effective in specific cases" is the key here. I tried it but it didn’t help me. I definitely have TMJ problems but this appliance did not help my balance or jaw problems. However, I have a friend who feels it has helped her a lot. It is not a cheap process. I found it quite expensive....over $2500.00 in Canada (BC). The plastic retainer is worn on the lower teeth .....it is not "attractive" either and is awkward when eating.

Wow 😳