Saturday was our Annual PD Symposium. The main topic of the day was surviving a hospital stay. We all know the best way is to stay out of one but there are times when it is unavoidable. All PD people received the Aware in Care Kits. They are black cases which contain an ID bracelet, Hospital Action Plan, a Medical Alert Card for your wallet, a medication form, PD Fact Sheet to give to your doctors and nurses and have placed in your chart (lists meds you should NEVER take) , PD Reminder slips to hand out, a Thank You Note in case you are lucky enough to find a helpful nurse/MD during your stay and a magnet to hold notices on your bed to remind everyone of your PD. I'd make copies of the Fact Sheet and keep the original for future possible needs.
A psychiatrist discussed Impulsive and Compulsive Behaviors which was very clinical but very informative. I think he was surprised by some of the questions asked during the Q & A period.They were very specific and insightful.
There was a presentation on DBS and information on exercise, dance and advise for caregivers- who often get forgotten.
I don't know if you have these types of programs where you live but I would search them out and attend. I learn something new all the time and it really helps me to help my husband and to cope with my needs as a Caregiver.