lately in the morning when I wake up, I notice my right hand is turned inward and some of my fingers are curled up tightly. What is this? PD related? It goes away after my morning dose of Levadopa. Anyone have similar issues? Thanks!
New Symptoms: lately in the morning when I... - Cure Parkinson's
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Yes it sounds like PD. My left side 'claws' foot (inc toes), leg, shoulder, elbow, wrist & fingers. I found Disipal (Orphenadrine) worked for me. It made the clawing manageable.
If it is painful it is dystonia for sure. Like a very bad cramp. Usually caused by certain meds - levadopa in particular.
I wonder if you are describing off dystonia. The link below gives some information.
This is an excerpt
‘Off’ dystonia
Dystonia happens most often when levodopa treatment is ‘wearing off’. This is when the drug becomes less effective before the next dose is due.
This effect is known as ‘off’ dystonia. It’s most likelyto happen when you wake up, because it has been some time since your last dose of medication. This
type of ‘morning off’ dystonia is most likely to affect your legs. You might experience painful muscular spasms and may not be able to get out of bed until your first dose of medication begins to take effect.
Yes my right foot curls up as if to grab the floor or something. It's my left side that's affected by PD.
Me too. My left side tremors and foot will occassionally drag. But if I don't get meds in system first out. Toes curl, ankle locks and rotates at an odd angle with lots of pain. I have been taking an Apokyn shot first thing plus regular does of meds...Stelova, Mirapex and Azilect. I need a nap after all that but seems to prevent the painful cramp.
there are 2 types of "Posturing" with people with brain injuries. on curls your hands and toes inward, one extends them outward. i have experienced the flexing of my toes and hands when i walk. my fingures even did it so it looked like i was giving people behind my back the finger. before my DBS surgery, i used to also have a feeling like my knees wanted to bend sideways (very painful). after my dbs surgery these went away. my dystonia is less extreme and pronounced now.
I have to wait an hour because I can't medicate for an hour after thyroid med!
Haha, I can do without the snack if I don't have a spell in the morning!
Hubby has that problem also. It sometimes hppens in the evening when his meds are wearing off and he is dozing in his chair.
Than you all for the comments and help. pD is relatively new to me. I was diagnosed in Dec 2010, even though I'm sure I had some symptoms years prior to that. I am 49 years old and had to "retire" from the fire department because I could no longer physically do the job. Funny how things catch up to you in life. One day being called a "hero" and feeling on top of the world. And this day I have issues swallowing, walking, Dystonia, processing words to speak and needing a "hero" of my own. It is hard to deal with disease some days. I help rasise to beautiful young children with my lovely wife. I spent 29 years as a firefighter paramedic. I saw other people with Parkisons and didn't truly understand what they were going through...until now.
I am ready for the fight. Thank you all for being there
My toes and left foot do the same thing at night when my shoes are off and I try to relax. Was really bad and my PD dr. increased my sinemet just a little and it helped. Still does it a little but manageable at the moment. Also toes were curling under when walking. That was painful, helps to use a gel pad under my toes.