falls...: had a fall yesterday, dont know... - Cure Parkinson's

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mitchdee profile image
12 Replies

had a fall yesterday, dont know what happened but down i went, young boy came to help, i thought he was going to mug me but he was so kind walked me back to my car. this is when i thought,when did i become so old and judgemental, what did other people who saw me fall think, what do people think when they see me shake.. do i care NO the people i love and care for take me as i am pd and all.they are making jokes about a 47yr old woman with 2 skint knees.. one even bought me knee pads and a crash helmet lol its the first time ive fallen is this common or am i just clumsy....

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mitchdee profile image
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12 Replies
jillannf6 profile image


i have PSP(diagnosed in 2010) and am continually falling

insidEand outside

I wear knee pads round the clock -they r for break dancing really- bought from the local sports fitness shop

but most people r great and help you -they cannnot wait to get u u p

i do nto have a tremor but my balance is dreadful esp when under stress and ov er i go

so lets party tonight and enjoy ourselves

lvoe jill adn a :-)

Hi Michdee,

I fall all the time , had head and face stithed up , still fall , although i dont feel anything because my body is in a state of relaxation , what i mean is that when i fall i dont have time or the reflexes to stop it so i just gp down, it quite funny at time to see thefaces of people in the street , they think you are drunk, i just smile and say Parkinsons they look bemused and i chuckle to my self

take care


mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to

working in kilmarnock i dread to think what people think, its the first time ive fallen, it might have been the pd or it may just have been a coincidence. wasnt even wearing high heels, lol. before being told i had pd i was better than i am now, the meds are making me worse, but been told i have to hold in there,,,,

shasha profile image

i fall a lot too - esp when i am not taking enough care with my walker and trip myself up = have some splendid bruises - and one mark - a deep indent in my right

thigh where i went down on to a tiled step over a year ago - OUCH .. :-D

grayland profile image


I'm right down there with you. I've now been three weeks without a fall. Very pleasant.

mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to grayland

heres to another 3 ,,,,this was my 1st fall,,, i blame the meds

merlethegirl profile image

I am up and then I find myself down. Just happens. People think I'm drunk...had a woman tell me I shouldn't be driving in my condition. I said "What condition"? She replied "You've obviously been drinking!"

I really need a little sign...you know..like runners for their number.

"I HAVE PD" flourescent orange

mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to merlethegirl

i have been given a card by parkinsons uk that you can give to people that explains what has happened, i would have gone mad at that woman. i never judge people, i know lots of people with all sorts of illnesses that manifest in various ways. my friend with ME falls and staggers when she walks. suppose we will never change small minded people.... just rise above them

honeycombe3 profile image

Hi there, I wonder what meds you are takiing & for how long? I had some terrible falls during my 1st yr dx until my meds stabilised. After a 9 week wait for physio assessment I then had my 8 weeks of physio (that's the ration in Worcester per year). This helped a lot in raising my awareness of how & why I was falling & exercises to help eg going up & steps backwards & forwards, walking backwards & forwards between bars, picking up my feet & altering my gait as my left arm & leg were out of synch. My 2nd yr physio improved on the 1st. Yr 3 new physio never got beyond her recap of my programme. She was brusque to the point of rudeness & seemingly ignorant about PD eg your symptoms are asymmetrical (1 side only) that's very unusual (durrr??), what is your main problem - pain. PAIN? You DON'Tget PAIN from PD. I told her I didn't think she could do anything for me & left. The good news is that CONFIDENCE begets CONFIDENCE. You may have to re-learn the way you walk but with decent therapy & stable meds you will gain CONFIDENCE. Good luck & God bless, Angela

mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to honeycombe3

hi, im on mirapixen and have only been taking pd meds since 24th jan this yr, im going to hopefully get to see a doc soon, im having few side effects i dont like, ive now started occasionaly to lose the feeling in tthe tips of my fingers, it feels like ive scraped thhe car window without wearing gloves. before the diagnoise all i had was slight shakes in my left hand and leg now i have no energy and shake 5 times worse...

wifeofparky profile image

My husband's blood pressure will drop to about 80/50 and he will stop get shaky in the knees and start to go down. It happened Friday night after dinner while we were walking back to our car. Thankfully a young couple came over and asked if they could help. These angels helped me get him into the car and we went home. Ironically we were leaving our local Firehall after a fund raiser dinner for these wonderful volunteers. Sad to say they know us by name since they are here often enough.

mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to wifeofparky

i take meds for high blood pressure, i hadnt thought but it may be my pd meds reacting with these, its nice to know there are nice people who will help without judging or asuming that we have been drinking,

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