Hi all. You might remember that I recently posted about voice issues. There was a great response which I’m thankful for. However,I think I’ve realised that there are definitely two things at work: one is the PD of course and your possible solutions were pertinent here. Second though is the DBS which is presenting its own challenges. My first experience was on holiday a year ago. My wife and I had a couple of cocktails and I was wwwaaayyyy out of it. My speech went into massive slow motion and Ali had to help me home. A similar thing happened when I went into a bar about two months later. The Healthunlocked fraternity suggested too much B1 at some point, but then I made the connection between alcohol and this state. Later events: I’ve started experiencing this rotten vvveeerrryyyy ssslllooowwww speech about 1/2 a week lately. And it hasn’t been provoked by alcohol. I found a presentation on YouTube whereby some clinician had examples of patients speech following DBS. One guy sounded just like me and his speech was due to the placement of the cables being inserted ‘medially’?
So, while DBS was generally a success it appears to have provoked some unwelcome process. The clinician even showed a graph which plotted the worsening of the voice over 3 years. Bummer. I’ve written to several PD, non-DBS friends who have claimed that despite having had PD for a long time, they’ve never come across this phenomenon. This convinced me that the DBS is the culprit. So whilst I’ll now contact Bristol, if anyone has had anything similar I’d like to hear from you. Cheers all.