Christchurch gel could revolutionise wound healing for burns, diabetics. Interesting.
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Christchurch gel could revolutionise wound healing for burns, diabetics

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"Christchurch gel is a small molecule that helps wounds heal by coordinating the body's initial response to injury. It was developed by a team of scientists based in Christchurch, New Zealand.
How does Christchurch gel work?
The gel mimics a protein and is more stable than the protein
It interacts with cells and tells them what to do
It helps coordinate the body's initial response to healing
It may revolutionize wound healing for burns and other injuries
Additional information
The gel marshals cells and helps them migrate across the wound bed
It helps epithelial cells multiply and enhances wound healing
It may increase wound contraction speed
The gel, already used on animals, stimulates cells to regenerate tissue. Treatment aims to benefit diabetics, elderly, and burns patients.
Its synthetic MSF peptide technology not only accelerates healing
Purified NZ water (aqua) (95%), trtx (5 ng/mL) in hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (4.99%), DMSO (0.00005%
Thanks LAJ! For a few seconds, I could go to the site and given the opportunity to order it, but in the process I was blocked. It's $195 per tube. Hubby has been with ulcer wound on left lower leg since July 2023 and he is still receiving treatment. Under a dermatologist's care, he started graft application therapy (on second one). Too bad I couldn't order this gel while on their site. If you can share more information on ordering it, please let me know. Thanks!!
Sorry I forgot you had to b a subscriber. Boscoejean has kindly copied it above
Hi Despe,
I have used this product (Argentyn 23 Professional Silver First Aid Gel ) with great results. This is a link for Amazon USA: Might be worth a try for your husband.
Thank you! However, he needs something a lot stronger, and he is under a dermatologist's care. The wound has almost healed with vinegar and water gauge soak and application on the wound for 20 min. After 20 min, and when wound is fairly dry form the soak, I apply Aloe Vera liberally. I soak non-adherent gauge with Aloe Vera and apply it on the wound. The combination has almost completely healed the wound; however, this treatment is done DAILY (started October 2023), it's time consuming and I have asked the doctor for his intervention. Dermatologist started using non-surgical grafts and seem to be working great. He only had two grafts (once a week), and he is now on his second graft/treatment. The link provided by Boscoejean is the one I tried to order Christchurch gel from, but they don't ship to the US. I printed all the information and will give it to the doctor next week for my hubby's third graft appointment. Everything is more difficult and complicated due to his hymphedema.
May I ask the type of wound and the reason? Thank you!
Using the word revolutionize makes it sound like a greedy sales pitch selling snake oil or at least something that is cost 10 times what something would do as well... I.e., is this better than the old standby for wound healing silvadene (the prescription infection stopper, also has silver in it and the silver is what stops bacteria from growing)?