Hi, I was prescribed Opicapone to extend my 'on' time after trying Entacapone which had made me nauseous and unable to eat.
The Opicapone seemed to be a better candidate because of only needing to take it once, at bedtime, 10pm for me, rather than with every Madapar dose . I found before too many days of taking Opicapone at night that by 1pm (could almost check my clock by it!) the following day I'd start to feel a bit lightheaded, a bit woowoo, over-emotional - like people I've seen who've had a few drinks and become really effusive and everyone's best friend. Another post I saw on this forum (but can't find now) said it was like being a teenager high on Ecstasy!
The sensation wasn't all unpleasant, I found myself quite amusing at times, without actually being so I'm sure but it became tiresome. Even my GP could hear the change in my voice over the phone and my partner found it disconcerting, wondered who this strange woman was! It would last until the evening. I didn't notice any improvement in my on/off time which had been the point so stopped taking it a week ago. I'm hoping it will wear off completely, it's still affecting me at the moment.
I'm not sure if it was this that also affected my eating, appetite etc. but I've been really off eating for some while.