"To see clearly, it is enough to see clearly, it is enough to change the direction of your gaze."
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"To see what is in front of our eyes requires constant effort."
George Orwell
"One always starts with the simple, then comes the complex, and thanks to a higher enlightenment one often returns in the end to the simple. That is the course of human intelligence".
Without seeing Parkinson's disease, treatments and the Parkinsonian world in new ways, it will never be possible to treat it in new ways, to find the way out of the "labyrinth".I know it may seem crazy to some (it would have seemed crazy to me years ago). But I have seen many times in these 30 years the results of the current path in the Parkinsonian labyrinth.First of all, it is necessary to stop seeing Parkinson's as "incurable". And stop believing that medicine has the last word, the solution. It has a lot to say, but it does not have the last word. The attitude of the patient and the family is very important. And to have access to all available information as soon as possible (ideally before diagnosis, but it would require media campaigns). I know hardly anyone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's for ten, fifteen or more years who does not agree.This is a book of struggle, search and hope.The second and also essential thing is to search for and gather this valuable information. And in this search we must be respectful of the dominant scientific and medical establishment, but also disrespectful. Because if we do not question the existing, there is no improvement, no Science possible.And from the union of the "old" (Birkmayer, Karobath, Jellinger, Youdim, Fahn, Jenner, Shults, Beal...) and the "new" (Suzuki, Espay, Monti, Schaffner, Costantini, Fullard, Lama, Mischley, Heo...), a clearer vision will emerge that will allow us to solve the Parkinsonian "puzzle" very soon, both the original one and the one that adds the heavy burden of iatrogenesis (negative effects of drugs and other therapies). ..What is already happening in individual cases (from Annetta Freeman to John Coleman), could be extended to the vast majority of patients thanks to future official protocols (perhaps based on the knowledge of neurologists Birkmayer, Perlmutter, Coimbra or Costantini, or neuroscientists such as Phillipson or Hinz) and truly multidisciplinary teams. Without a nutritionist or a neurologist with a deep knowledge of nutrition (or well advised and helpful), there is not much else to do.It is no longer (or not much longer) a question of continuing to accumulate thousands and thousands of studies of fantastic scientific erudition, or of seeing how time and again the majority of researchers run into an invisible wall (that of the extreme complexity of Parkinson's when it comes to the cellular, molecular or genetic level).
Rather, it is about making decisions with what we already have, which seems to us to be enough to radically change Parkinson's as we know it today, for the sufferers: the only important thing. If I live to be 90 years old, I don't want everything to be more or less the same when I wake up any morning in the year 2060. I couldn't bear it. We will not allow it. It is our obligation. To improve the lives of today's Parkinson's sufferers and their families. And to end this explosion of cases worldwide, even among those under 30. There should be fewer and fewer sufferers and their lives should be fuller.We urgently need a new paradigm now, a 180-degree turnaround...Current Parkinson's research is a paradoxical enterprise, one of great knowledge and almost total failure, because the objective is not met and its achievement is postponed year after year: the lives of the sufferers I know have not improved in almost 30 years.The main key seems to me to be to turn our eyes to Nature, where the solution to Parkinson's awaits. The laboratory has to be an auxiliary of Nature, not try to replace it (this is the drama of the last 60 years of the fight against Parkinson's). Without vitamins and medicinal plants it is not possible to win this fight against Parkinson's disease.On the shelves of Nature there is almost everything we need.Moreover, Nature cannot be surpassed and cannot be patented. Melatonin, milk thistle or vitamin B12 are good examples.The aim of this section is to tear down, to demolish the artificial walls that have obscured the world of Parkinson's for too long. Or to put it another way, to open the windows, to open the curtains, to let in fresh air, sunlight. To stick one's head out of the window to see other places and to go back in to turn everything upside down, upside down if necessary... with respect, but also with determination.