While I don't have tremor, my right hand is becoming increasingly slow and stiff and it is becoming a real problem to type on a keyboard.
Did anyone find a way to keep typing through exercises or any other means?
While I don't have tremor, my right hand is becoming increasingly slow and stiff and it is becoming a real problem to type on a keyboard.
Did anyone find a way to keep typing through exercises or any other means?
Learn to touch type ?
Google Docs does a good job with voice to text.
When I realised my hands weren't able to type well I took action.
I typed "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" over and over and over again.
I have improved and I keep doing this periodically.
All the best
I’ve been typing with one hand only for years. I also use the microphone on my iPhone and iPad which works pretty well despite my voice not being super clear.
If its any conciliation I have exactly the same issue and have tried strengthening exercises which I can do fine, then I try the keyboard and they seems to have made know difference, its not a strength issue, it's dexterity, with my right hand fingers almost working as one.
Please do continue to type. Try using 1 finger on the other hand.Try practising the way you learnt to touch type with music in the background.
Try using some vibration stimulation like a mini battery operated milk brother on your fingers 15 secs on each 3 to 4 times a day.
By all means do find an option of voice recognition options for urgent quick work
I had the same problem. Sinemet fixed it. Apple dictation gets me through off periods.
If using windows, and have a microphone, press the windows key and the H key. Then just talk to the PC. Use keyboard to correct errors. You can say 'full stop' etc. càn be quite amusing as it picks up some background conversations.
I have the same problem. Try using wrist weigth... it actual helped me.
I have a few suggestions which helped me a lot. Actually, instead of typing slower, I now type a lot faster thanks to some changes.
- The first thing I did was to switch the keyboard. I now own and use a Moonlander which I can fully customize. Most of the keys that I use on a day-to-day basis are on the left side of my keyboard, which is the good side and still works properly. My affected right side is a side I don't have to use if I don't have to since all the keys are also on the left side.
- Secondly I do voice dictation, but not your typical built-in one, but I use SuperWhisper. This is something that uses AI and is 99% correct. It even can do things like create emails, mention people on Twitter or here and stuff like that. It's super powerful and I can't live without it and it's so fast that I can now create text faster than I did when I was using my hands.
I hope this helps.