Has anyone tried or heard of the taopatch? The company is based out of Italy and has an authorized dealer in Florida. Taopatch.co is the website. The patch combines principles with low level. They make all kinds of claims such as supporting the nervous system, improving balance, improving tremors, and anxiety.
improve symptoms with the Taopatch? - Cure Parkinson's
improve symptoms with the Taopatch?
Ask yourself how is it this tiny patch without batteries emits light as they claim.
Per the website “the heat from your body is converted into light of different frequencies, which are similar to the frequencies of photons your nervous system uses to communicate with the rest of your body”
There’s quite a bit of information about the taopatch online and on the website. I have a call scheduled with them tomorrow and will report back.
interested in you what you find, as I have looked at them. I haven’t about their claim.
That is a load of BS. The nervous system does not use "photons" to communicate with the rest of the body. It does not use photons at all. As to converting body heat into light, if it were true it could be easily demonstrated - paste it on a jar of warm water and show us the light.