I have had Parkinsons for about 12 years. Extreme gait issues which have been treated with higher dosages of Levodopa. I am experiencing body pain when I get close to my next dose, which is down to a 3 hour interval. Could the pain be withdrawal as my dosage is usually worn off by then?
Levocarb side effects : I have had... - Cure Parkinson's
Levocarb side effects

Dear bullet65.
That’s a great question.. I too take Sinemet every three hours around the clock. If I’m 15 or 20 minutes late with the dose or if I’ve just eaten a snack, I start getting intense muscle cramps across my upper abdomen and across my lower back.The pain is most severe when standing or walking and is improved by sitting for a few minutes or laying down for 10 minutes or so. If I feel the symptoms returning before my next dose of Sinemet, I will often take an additional half a pill immediately and then take the regular dose at the three hour mark. I’m guessing that the absorption of the drug is impaired in the presence of food and possibly by the presence of other drugs.
My take on the situation is that in the absence of a cure or a significant remission, we’re all just trying to find a way to maintain some quality of life as we make this journey through the unknown.
Actually, I think people who have PD are pretty courageous !
You may find this article and linked podcast informative. Enzyme blockers help the levadopa cross the blood-brain barrier and allow the brain to us the dopamine. Maybe this could help make the levadopa more effective for you. moversandshakerspodcast.com...