My husband has used a conventional exercise bike for the last 5 years,but now getting on and off it is a nightmare as his balance is not good.Iv been looking at recumbent bikes and the pedal bike machines you can use whilst sitting.Any thoughts please about which type of bike anyone has found most practical? We are on a budget,so I’m scouring eBay where there is a large but bewildering choice.Any comments greatly welcome.
exercise bike questions.: My husband has... - Cure Parkinson's
exercise bike questions.

Pedal bike may be best if there are balance issues. We bought a recumbent bike which looked good except you need to step over a small bar in order to sit. Means I have to assist hubby getting on and off the bike. With the pedal bike he can sit and watch tv or be doing computer stuff and doesn't require my assistance. I do have to remind hubby to use the pedal bike!
A treadmill might work better than a bicycle. The hand rails solves the balance issues.
thanks for the suggestion.
se llama bicicleta Recumbente, es muy buena para personas con problemas del tren inferior, ya que trabajas los musculos de Piernas y Gluteos, los musculos que se activan de las piernas son los cuadriceps y los isquiotibiales, asi como espalda y abdominales, yo hago ejercicio en ella una vez a la semana, ya que realizo ejercicios de equilibrio y fuerza, hago banda diaria 5 km. voy al GYM de lunes a viernes 1 1/2 hr. por la mañana, creo que esa actividad a ralentizado el EP o casi continuo igual desde que me lo diagnosticaron hace casi 3 años, tengo 62, tomo como cualquier otro mis medicamentos de Pramipexol .5 mg 3 veces al dia, Rasigilina 1 mg 1 al dia, Mucuma 2 capsulas al dia, C/L 1/2 pastilla 2 veces al dia, a esta le he ido bajando, suplementos alimienticios como complejo B, Zinc, Curcuma y vitamina D3 4000ui.