Hi anyone suggest a model of excercise bike to use for PWP as my OH has been told to use for cardio to increase dopamine, there's so many any advice please xxx
Excercise bike: Hi anyone suggest a model... - Cure Parkinson's
Excercise bike

The bicycle made for PWPD is called a Theracycle. It has a motor in it and forces the rider to go at a certain pace, similar to riding a tandem bike. I have one and if anyone wants to try mine, I live in the Portland Oregon area.
It's off topic, but I'd sure like to learn more about pilates for PwP!
I have a what started as a yoga group 14 years ago for us poor Parkies. It has evolved over the course of all of our progressions, a couple members passing, and newbies joining into a strength and muscle retention class using bands, hoops, exercise balls and weights and our own body resistance. Pilates with stretching on 3 days/week and Yoga on two... Us poor Parkies!!!!
Pilates for PwP is wonderful for range of motion, strength and flexibiliity! Many pilates instructors can help an individual with these issues-in a private or semi-private session. I would caution against joining a large group pilates class unless it is geared toward PwP.
I'm in Corvallis and would like to try it.
are you saying that the theracycle does part of the work and the patient does part of the work simultaneously? or does the theracycle do all the work? the company is very vague with reference to this. can you set the rpms on the theracycle and then while the bike is working, add to it with your own effort. example: can the theracycle make you go 55 rpms and then you pedal sufficiently to make the total 85 rpms?
I was diagnosed in 2005, I'm interested in learning how the Theracycle might help me and I also live in the Portland Area. I have attended PEDX classes for about 4 years and Rock Steady Boxing for about a year. I'm currently trying to incremently increase the distance and speed I can reach on my Shwinn bicycle. How can I learn more and possibly try your Theracycle? Thanks. russe
How about a cross-trainer. More of the body exercised in one go. I would guess better from a cardio-vascular point of view.
Thank you all, I'm on to your options this morning, hey by the way my OH specialist said he does not know why he gas not been swimming for the past 3 yrs ??????? It's one if the best excercised for pwp, we couldn't believe it he stopped because he was told it was not safe, hugs Neuro said it was a load of nonsense??????? So he's delighted about that xxxx
Its not safe for some PWP's because they tend to sink (I don't why). In my case I realised after diagnosis that it was one one of my earlier first symptoms that I would suddenly lose the automatic swimming stroke and have to consciously tell myself what to do. Howeeveer, would have thought as long as there was someone keeping an eye out it would be OK to swim
Swimming? I would avoid shark-infested waters. Theracycle is good but might not be necessary depending upon level of impairment. I have fought for quality of life for nine years at rocksteadyboxing.org gym. There are now over 90 locations around the country and more trainers coming to Indianapolis every month to learn how to share the Hope that this program offers. Or just check out some of the FB and YouTube posts for inspiration.
I have been using a Schwinn 240 exercise recumbent bike for three years. I ride six days a week 7.8 miles per day. I have been quite happy with it.
I found a site online (about us-Parkinson's cycling coach) that used the Keiser M3i fitness cycle for Parkinson patients. The cycles were donated by Keiser but the patients liked them very much. So that is the one we purchased. It is expensive but is easy to get on and off and has a good monitor for speed etc. My husband is using it too so that helps bring down the cost in our mind. At the Y class I take I am able to go for an hour mostly at 85-90 rpms. That class is only offered Monday and Wednesday so I wanted a bike to use at home too. So far I can only cycle on it for 30-40 minutes most of the time at 80-85. I watch TV while cycling. At the Y there is music and the trainer talks a lot and the 4-5 other PWPs keep at it together. The cycle seat at the Y is larger and more comfortable than the seat my Keiser has. I do think that once I get a new seat I'll be able to ride longer. Maybe someone in the forum has a seat suggestion?
I'm about to get involved in a procedure called Coordination Dynamic Therapy which uses exercise to train the Central Nervous System which it states will assist me in controlling my Parkinson's symptoms
I will keep you posted
Kind regards
What does PWP or PWPD stand for? same for OH?
any ideas for shaving my beard. I am 62 Dx ten years ago and rapidly regressing.
you have something against beards?
Hi Allofatremor. Whatis it that you want to acheive from the exercise bicycle? Is it a fitter body, or a healthier brain?
If you want both and you have Pd, then why waste your moey and time on getting a fitness bike?
Start doig FSAT WALKING! It is the best exercise you can do. It makes you fit and it produces a chemical in the brain called GDNF and this GDNF repairs your damaged brain cells. That is correct! That is better than any medication can do and it is the cheapest exercise you can do
What a batgain!
Of curse, you might be someone who thinks that he/she is unable to walk fast or maybe not even walk at all. If you think either of these things then tell me about it.
ihave written extensively on the bike issue. maybe you can look it up.
thank you all, John my OH already does the fast walking as you suggested, and its doing him lots of good. When he seen his specialist last week he told him that cycling and getting his cardio up to certain readings actually makes dopermine. xxxx
I have had a theracycle for ab out 5 years and could not do without it. It is sturdy, easy to use, low maintenance and works a person out completely---------expensive though. The company is dependable and eager to address any problem or concern. I highly recommend the Theracycle.
I just bought one through Kmart total cost 179.00. I wanted one for my husband to strengthen his legs. He was diagnosed 2 years ago with Parkinson's. This is a recumbent bike, sits low with pedals out front and easy to get on and off. The model is Exerpeutic. It has to be put together, but I did it so anyone can!😜
Check them out but I would go with the recumbent bike because I think it is safer to use then one of the kind that sits high. We are very happy with ours. Hope this helps!