is it safe, or is there a preferred drug for a colonoscopy? I’m on rasagiline and sometimes mucuna and carbidopa….and should they be discontinued before? If so, how long before? Thanks!
Is propofol safe for a colonoscopy with P... - Cure Parkinson's
Is propofol safe for a colonoscopy with Parkinson’s?
Anesthetic Considerations for Parkinson’s Patients is the title of this article. I found it helpful.
Thank you !
I've had 3 or 4 colonoscopies since diagnosis, all with Propofol. It's the best sleep you will ever have. I was taking c/l + mucuna during all but the initial one during my PD honeymoon period. I was also on Selegeline or Rasagaline for one of the colonoscopies.
I'm not a doctor, but I am not aware of any issue with your drug regimen here with Propofol. Just dose when you feel you need to. When they bring you in, ask the doc if the c/l or rasagaline is a problem.
Enjoy the best 30 minutes of sleep that feels like 4 hours!!
You know if you're too extremely worried, anesthetists will tell you that losing consciousness from anestheia always involve some very small percentage of some kind or other of damage, brain damage or what not, it is not zero, anesthesia is not strictly necessary and there are people who choose to do without it.
I am just curious..... how do you "sometimes"take mucuna and carbidopa? Rasagiline takes care of all your needs? And then when do you supplement with the other two?
Ghmac, over the last year (diagnosed 3 years ago) when playing sports, and going out with friends, I've taken 1 NOW mucuna capsule, along with 1/4-1/3 tablet of carbidopa, along with 1 mg, rasagiline every day. Now, I feel like I need to take something stronger. I’m very conservative, but don’t know whether to start 1/4-1/2 tab IR Sinemet everyday, or try to increase mucuna everyday. Any ideas?
Oh no, I am not the one to ask. After a intense reaction to COVID, my husband started taking C/L. Prior to that he had just been taking Mucuna. He had severe rigidity all over. It has been almost 2 months now and the symptoms are 80% gone. He would like to stop the C/L - and I am looking for alternatives. Thank you for your response. Wish you the Best.
So the C/l was the cause of his rigidity? And, how did he get rid of 80% of his symptoms? I’m curious! Please explain….
No - sorry if I wasn’t clear. He started taking C/L after he had a very sudden case of rigidity. One morning he work up extremely stiff in shoulder and arms, next day it was entire body. He was in a lot of pain. He was only taking mucuna and supplements. Dr. Laurie Mischley put him on C/L. The next day he tested positive for COVID. The COVID negative test took 14 days, and the rigidity is decreasing daily. He is wondering about decreasing the C/L and increasing mucuna+ ?. I am not sure what Dr LM would say about this. But we are still waiting for symptoms to decrease further, and I was curious about what you were taking in search for alternatives. I have read several testimonies of people backing off of C/L. We and Dr.LM agree the COVID is what caused the flare up.
I am taking both sinimet and rasagiline and just had a colonoscopy/endoscopy 4 days ago and had no problems or interactions with the propofol. I took two doses of the sinimet and my usual one dose of rasagiline just a few hours before the procedure