I've been taking Mucuna 50% to no therapeutic effect so after hearing YT's 'Nootropics Expert' recommend 99%, bought some. My tremor has never been this bad ever - too much Ldopa? Except for a brief honeymoon period shortly after dx, Sinemet also didn't help but after waiting 9 months I'm finally slated for an Ldopa challenge in a couple of weeks. Thoughts, experience, insight? Thanks and best to all.
99% Mucuna worsening Tremor: I've been... - Cure Parkinson's
99% Mucuna worsening Tremor

Every indication is that levodopa is not helping you. I think you need to accept that and look elsewhere for treatment. Tremor - is it a one-sided resting tremor? If not you should consider other diagnoses.
Also, regarding "nootropics expert" - this is a guy who recommends levodopa for healthy people. I do regard levodopa as the treatment of choice for Parkinson's patients, however, if this individual properly understood the downsides of levodopa, he would know better than to recommend it to healthy people.
Thank you. It's one-sided predominantly. Starting to lose some fine-motor function on the other side too. Appears to be a weird mix of some PSP/MSA symptoms e.g. a trifecta of photophobia, blepharospasm and apraxia of eyelid opening triggered by a contrast-MRI (gadolinium) brain insult. Doesn't fit any of the molds.
I agree with park bear. I have tried Mucuna a good amount of time. Enough to know it does nothing for me and makes my tremors worse. A Dr./ friend told me that means low dopamine is not the issue. Do anything you can to calm your body down.Look for underlying toxins through testing.
thanks for this post. I’ve just started taking Macuna without realising it holds levodopa. I will stop taking it immediately.
Check out the Mucuna Pruriens Parkinson’s group on FB. I started with 1/32 teaspoon of 100% Levodopa Mucuna Pruriens and gradually increased to find my right dosage(sweet spot). I am now taking 1/4 teaspoon 3-4 x aday along with 500 mg of vitamin C each time.
Insightful vid on MP Dangers: youtu.be/ll4GRfs6vRI