Seems to warn about reliance on C/L long term. Any ways to use this information in treatment plans now?
New Sackner Bernstein blog! : Seems to warn... - Cure Parkinson's
New Sackner Bernstein blog!

I’d run it by my Neurologist. That guy is a cardiologist and has opinions that don’t necessarily compare favorably with the practice of doctors that actually work with people living with PD.
I couldn’t agree more with the call for caution.
I am a cardiologist who is presenting my views of where the science and data say we should be looking for answers rather than wanting any of you to believe I have - with proof - the answers.
We will do a clinical trial that will show whether or not my vision is correct.
For now, ask questions, listen to the answers and don’t make any clinical decisions without the input/help from your neurologist.
And recognize that there needs to be a shift in practices if we are to conquer the disease and I believe this could be it.
Thank you for participating here. How do you account for the fact that mutations affecting the structure or quantity of alpha synuclein cause Parkinson's?
Good luck JSBMD I welcome your thoughts. The summary part of the theory appears to be:
"that this increased sensitization of receptors happens quickly, and also that over time, it wears off and these receptors become less sensitive to dopaminergic stimulation (called desensitization). This phenomenon explains why many people feel a profound benefit of levodopa in the first days, weeks or months of use which goes away over time, typically requiring an increase in doses, which should overcome the desensitization for some time, before wearing off again."
I have a very hard time understanding this whole process
This description of how nerves communicate in the presence of levodopa - depending on whether or not Parkinson's is present - is pretty technical. It is sound reasoning that when read in concert with my prior week newsletter explains why levodopa helps - especially when initiated - and how that is not at odds with the theory I hope to prove - that dopamine reduction therapy will be shown to be the way to go (of course, figuring out how to do that safely is a big part of the challenge).
This is an issue I've been asked by many to address.
Yes, I realize this Dr Sackner Bernstein. I just wish there was a dopamine for dummies or something like that.
Dr Ignaz Semmelwieis was the Grandfather of Handwashing. He said that germs were responsible for infections. The medical community at that time rejected his theory. Even though he had lowed infection rates dramatically at the hospital where he worked. He ended up having a mental breakdown during his long struggle tor recognition of the discovery he had made.
I believe Dr. Bernstein could be on to something amazing. My hope is that he will not face the same obstacles that Dr Semmelwieis did. Carba Dopa Leva dopa does not cure parkinsons.
The man is a genius . I personally spoke to him and he was full of compassion and determination to help in our dire situation. God Bless him.
Judith Franey
Well conventional thinking doesn’t seem to have got us anywhere for a long time, and certainly there has been no revolution in the 8 years since my diagnosis. I welcome a different approach and we need a few alternatives, not least to shake things up a bit. The mainstream approach has failed so far so let’s look left field from time to time?
Thank you. I signed up to your blog. Yes, a little scientific, but I plan on reading it more than once. I feel I understand the main concept, and in my navaivity I think you are right.