"I Ate ONLY ONE Food And My Parkinson's R... - Cure Parkinson's
"I Ate ONLY ONE Food And My Parkinson's REVERSED!" | Mimi Morgan

Good video, Dabaa.
She's credible because she isn't selling anything, altho she questions her PD diagnosis.
Not everyone's motivation to deceive is financial. Some people just seek attention. Others have dogmatic beliefs that inspire them to deceive others to promote those beliefs, or counter their "opposition" (for example this promotion of a carnivore diet could be a reaction to the increasingly aggressive promotion of veganism).
I don't necessarily ascribe either of those to this lady or even that she is setting out to deceive. My main reason for thinking it's not going to work for everyone is that the Atkins/carnivore diet has been around for a long time and I think more people would have discovered this by now.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious though. Her symptoms closely mirror mine...weakness, muscle loss, night time dystonia, permanently elevated white blood cell count indicating some sort of infection.
My medication is very similar (the only thing stopping me matching her 1200mg of L-Dopa is the UK guidelines on safe maximum), and at a personal level...damn, but I miss a nice steak.
Here's a thought. Doctors and nutritionists frequently recommend switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet for certain conditions. If the world does turn vegan, would doctors be so quick (or even allowed) to recommend a diet that is higher in, or consists entirely of meat?
Point of - important - information: 5minutebody.com/blog/carniv..., wildlumens.com/carnivore-di...
That only food being beef. But then we have this from the transcript:
"That's when I started to question my Parkinson's diagnosis and I definitely had a pretty aggressive form of parkinsonism. At one point about a year into I was on 1,200 milligrams of Carbidopa levodopa which is a huge amount. That's every three and a half four hours I'm taking pills from the moment I wake up. But I started to question it. Also was the MSA multiple system atrophy suspect because I had a lot of autonomic symptoms that were unusual for early. But I started to question my diagnosis as my symptoms alleviated so I do believe I was misdiagnosed. But you know that to me raises a lot of a lot of and I had that diagnosis for six years. And it took another year after that of healing on the keto and again real clean keto that I started to wean myself off of medication. And I’ll be off of Parkinson’s medication which was the second to the last medication I got off this past two years this June. So it took a while and it took a while for me to notice the symptoms improving and then starting to question the diagnosis."
She had a lot of other things going on including a serious spinal infection, so it could have been a parkinsonism.
The carnivore diet is an extreme form of a keto diet. youtu.be/5sYClVQyMLM?si=uqt...
As is most often the case with these one-off “cures”, I think a misdiagnosis is the most likely explanation.
There is evidence out there to back any belief any of us come to hold dear. No matter the motivation of the prophet (or profit haha), it's us who eagerly look for evidence to back our current belief systems. That is called bias confirmation.
Curiousk for along time as getting sicker on a plant based with fish diet. In hospital now with two broken shoulders aafter a fall. Vegan friends horrified bt need to change
Proving pudding claims takes guts: youtu.be/hCKesgHamPA
90-Day carnivore With $3000 worth of labs: youtu.be/H1hCAgddsVY