Hi everyone!
I'm working on the software for my buzzer glove project, aka Penta Buzzer V2.
I need help understanding what kinds of buzzing programs or patterns to put on this. If someone's read up on the different buzzing patterns that have been used and can offer some pseudocode (or some general steps), I would greatly appreciate it!
In previous versions of my buzzer glove, I've done the following pseudocode:
1) Generate a pseudo-random list of non-repeating codes. 1 = first finger, 2 = second finger, up to 5.
2) Loop through each element of that list, buzzing the corresponding finger for 167ms.
3) Repeat step two until each finger has been buzzed 3 times.
4) Pause for 1 second.
5) Return to step 2
As an update, I got the PCB in the picture from JLCPCB and soldered it together. Some improvements need to be made, but overall things are working as expected. I plan to make a smaller version once I'm confident that there are no further schematic edits that need to be made.