Sarkis Mazmanian
Your Microbiome Holds The Key To Curing P... - Cure Parkinson's
Your Microbiome Holds The Key To Curing Parkinson’s

We have heard about the microbiome being the "key" to solving so many ills for a number of years now. There has to be more than a cure for mice. I cannot commit to watching a 2+ hour video, I need to get to the point.
Exactly. Why do they make long videos... The matter can be explained in 15 to 30 mins.
"Special diets, like fiber-rich diet or addition of resistant starch (a form of fiber), support a healthy microbiome in the gut. Therefore, “healing the gut microbiome” might improve symptoms and quality of life in people with PD and may even slow disease progression."
There is some evidence that the SCD can normalize your microbiome if you still have all the needed bacteria: The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD): The SCD has been shown to normalize the microbiome in people with Crohn's and UC.
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet in Inflammatory bowel Disease: The Evidence and Execution
Personally, I follow a modified version of the SCD: I do eat some potatoes and beans, but I always pressure cook the hell (and lectins) out of them. And I eat sour cream and ice cream (only with real sugar) and I drink Pepsi (only with real sugar).
There is nothing essential in carbohydrate so a SCD makes no sense. You still eat ice cream which contains emusifier which is basically a detergent which will strip the mucosal protection from the walls of your digestive tract. Cooking more will break down the carbohydrate and make it quicker to metabolise. The starch in beans is a different molecular form to other starches in that it's a long chain molecule which is slower to metabolise tha other starches which have a branched struture. What's real sugar? your bio, what does your diet consist of as you successfully eliminate RLS?
First: Ice Cream and Pepsi violate the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. So does sour cream. So don't hold those things against the diet. Those are on me.
Second: The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is a real thing. It is based on science that shows complex carbohydrate are not easily digested and they stay in your intestinal tract and feed bad bacteria. The SCD is the only diet that I have seen that can treat IBS and having IBS could make you more likely to get diagnosed with PD. This is not fringe science.
From the Cleveland Clinic: What is a specific carbohydrate diet (SCD)? A specific carbohydrate diet eliminates select carbohydrates from your diet. This eases symptoms of digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). People who follow a specific carbohydrate diet don’t eat grains or grain products. They avoid bread, pasta and cereal. The diet is also very low in sugar and lactose (a sugar naturally found in milk and dairy products).
Third: Real sugar comes from sugar beet and sugar cane plants grown on farms. The real sugar in your pantry is grown and harvested by sugar beet and sugar cane farmers. And the same pure sugar found naturally in the plant is what ends up in your pantry after minimal processing. I do not touch artificial sweeteners or corn syrup.
So... I don't strictly follow the SCD. I am gluten and lectin free, and avoid most foods on the SCD bad list also.
I feel pretty good about my ice cream choice: Breyers Original Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry Ice Cream
Non-GMO and Gluten free. No corn syrup and very few ingredients.
I guess that Tara Gum is an emulsifier: Tara gum is a natural additive, obtained by grinding the endosperm of the seeds of Caesalpinia spinosa, of the Leguminosae family. Tara gum, also called Peruvian carob, is a white to yellowish powder which is soluble in hot water and partially soluble in cold water.
As far as emulsifiers go, Tara Gum seems to be a pretty good one: Tara gum is classified as low FODMAP, making it an ideal thickening agent for individuals following a low FODMAP diet. It contains minimal amounts of fermentable sugars, such as fructans and galactans, which are common triggers for IBS symptoms. However, it's always important to check product labels for other potential high FODMAP ingredients or additives.
Tara gum, also known as Caesalpinia spinosa gum, is a natural polysaccharide derived from the seeds of the tara tree, native to Peru. It has been used for centuries in traditional Peruvian medicine for its medicinal properties. The gum is extracted from the seeds through a process of grinding and sieving, resulting in a fine powder that is water-soluble and highly viscous.
Thanks for making me look this stuff up. It helps.
Could you try coconut ice cream? My husband likes it. When we saw Dr. Mischley she was ADAMANT about no dairy.
I appreciate the suggestion. I am not sold on the no dairy science, but I do kind of think the cream in ice cream is inflammatory. And they do have some good looking coconut ice cream nearby: So Delicious Vanilla Coconut Milk Dessert with pretty good ingredients. Thanks!
I found this super interesting: