Has anyone tried tried just bananas for dopamine?researchgate.net/publicatio....
Going bananas : Has anyone tried tried just... - Cure Parkinson's
Going bananas

"Banana contained dopamine at high levels in both the peel and pulp. Dopamine levels ranged from 80-560 mg per 100 g in peel and 2.5-10 mg in pulp, even in ripened bananas ready to eat" After reading this I will say the peel is just not that appealing
Now that I hardly use Sinemet anymore, I can explore if I can naturally increase my dopamine levels in this way. The possibility of consuming banana peel is new to me, but I would choose organic bananas! Regular bananas often contain (a lot of) pesticides. There is no standard for pesticides and antifungals for the peel of a banana...
According to the test conducted by the Swiss consumer magazine K-tip, more than half of the "conventional" samples - meaning not "from organic farming" - even contained pesticide residues in the flesh. All organic bananas were completely free of them. However, to be sure, I would wash the skin very very well...
I use to eat a lot of peels (organic) in a smoothie in a vitamix. Never even knew they were their except the added bulk and fiber. Unfortunately the lectins triger my iRBD. May have to relook at this.
There seem to be quite a few recipes using banana peel. Today, I decided to start with a simple banana smoothie. To my surprise, it was delicious and had a slightly less bland taste compared to using only the fruit flesh. This can definitely be combined with other fruits and vegetables, and of course, with yogurt if you don’t boycott all the dairy yet.
Hi Esperanto,May I know how did you came of Sinemet? Thank you
For clarity, I sometimes still use half a Sinemet when I've had too much stress or exertion, although I could even do without it now. However, that is not my ultimate goal. Initially, my focus was on figuring out what was causing such a significant deterioration in my PD symptoms in the first year after diagnosis and medication (5 x 20/200). For me, it turned out to be an imbalance in my vitamin B levels (particularly a severe deficiency in B6, but likely also B2) and stress. So, supplementation with a B-complex and adopting a healthy lifestyle (improved sleep, addressing constipation, exercises, MIND diet, sunlight, QiGong) is, in short, what has allowed me to reduce my reliance on Sinemet.
Of course Organic bananas only! I already make about 2 litres yoghurt a week using PS128 as a starter, so smoothies is the easiest option. Though I did see a recipe for banana skin curry. Just not sure if cooking will denature any dopamine there is???I culture the yoghurt for 22 hrs at 28deg C to remove the lactose as I'm intolerant ( of lactose as well 😏), seems to be ok.
What is your ratio of PS128 to milk? Are you breaking open capsules?
I use 2 x 1.5g sachets per litre. Then use 2 tablets spoons of the yoghurt to start the next batch. This works for 4 or 5 batches then I start again with sachets.
Note: I use full fat UHT milk straight from the carton, no need to boil. Just rinse container and utensils with boiled water to sterilise.
Hello PDCyclist ~ I too have started PS 128 yogurt. I use 2 caps of Bened Life Neuralli – PS128. On the following batches I use approximately ¾ cup of the curent batch of yogurt for my new batch. I also make the yogurt with A2A2 milk which has less casein and easier to digest.
I hope this helps.
Have a fabulous day ~
by sachets do you mean pill capsules? We have this in capsule form.
Sachets, you know, like instant coffee in a hotel room😉 I guess the stuff in capsules works the same. The one I use is from France, Google Neurobiotique from Laboratoire Synergia
gonna try leaving some skin on for my smoothie tonight.. thanks! Meanwhile, I have been sprouting fava beans and eating them throughout the day. Not sure but I think it's helping a tiny bit.
I was thinking about cooking some fava beans however maybe I can try sprouting them
Have sprouted and frozen fava beans. They contain both Levadopa and Carbidopa jcdr.net/article_fulltext.a....
That is a super valuable study! I had not seen any of this information, and was simply working off a personal hypothesis that if broccoli sprouts are better than broccoli, then why not the same for favas. Sprouting in general is becoming a favorite health thing it seems. So I'm also going to eventually try sprouting buckwheat too. Yay for sprouts!
Eating bananas and hoping to get a dopamine boost won’t work as it’s rapidly broken down in the bloodstream. That’s why we take levodopa which is metabolised much less in the blood, is absorbed into the brain and broken down to dopamine there.
Yes, I agree. Planning to take along with levadopa
I just use tyrosine supplements which do the same thing as bananas
It's always best to aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods to ensure you're getting all the necessary nutrients. While tyrosine supplements may have some similar effects as bananas, they are not exactly the same. Bananas contain natural sources of tyrosine, along with a lot of other nutrients and fibers that are beneficial for overall health.
A good recent review can be found herencbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...