Hi, was diagnosed with Parkinson's August 2023. Taking one Levocarb CR 200/50 MG for tremor. Also using Coronet 4 light helmet therapy twice daily and symbyx 904 PD care laser on gut alternate days ,along with vibratory gloves alternate days with great results. Heard that Piracetam might help,wondering if anyone has used it and what results? Thanks, Michael
Has anyone tried Piracetam for Parkinson'... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone tried Piracetam for Parkinson's disease.

Hi Michael, I don't know Piracetam but I would like to take this opportunity to get some information about vibrotactile gloves: did you build them yourself or did you purchase something similar? Are They helpful to you? Thank you very much.
Hi, I build the gloves using information from the pdbuzzboard website and videos. Cost was around $260 cdn dollars, source material from Amazon and Digi - Key electronics for the vibration ERM MTR 12 k rpm. I use the 167 program to nano microprocessor , which is giving me great results. I darted do 2 sessions of 1 hr/time and after a few months cut it back to1 session of 30 minutes/ every other day, due to finding it was giving me over stimulation. I gind it helps eliminate my rigidity in left arm and puts you in a very relaxed state when using. Light helmet is very beneficial in helping with energy, slowness .
No benefits T all
Thank you for the info! May I ask where have you got the vibratory gloves?