I joined the ADHD group a year ago. I made a couple of posts about nutrition and mental health and now I can’t post on there any more. Appears I’ve been blocked. I don’t think the moderators are open to any natural health options. It’s a shame as they all seem to be pushing their 7 year olds onto pharmaceuticals. Eg sertraline, Ritalin. I hate to imagine what effect this will have on these poor kids later in life.
Anyone been blocked from other forums? - Cure Parkinson's
Anyone been blocked from other forums?

their loss
Yikes! Sorry to hear that!
You know it probably won't matter much though, because if you are correct then the tenor of your comments are going to have them continuing to block you and it may be that you're correct that others have been blocked for their sentiments.
I read your history and you don't seem like a crank at all, or some merchant selling something but they object to or might compete with, fwiw. It's curious that they would seem to allow the naturopathy comments and positions here but not there... There have also been some religious practitioners which really is kind of off the rails from a standard pharmaceutical business or industrial approach, different times time you do have commercial interests making comments are pitching this or that. Over time there been quite a few alternate practitioners, shamans for example, who for what they were worth made it pretty clear what their approaches were and they have been part of the fabric just like everybody else.
But I have said in previous comments that this is a business after all, part of a company that purchased the charitable company that started the website, the changing of hands was done for a reason, and it is their sandbox after all...we just get to play in it. And with a change of ownership certainly the mission can change.
Whatever the philosophy is (and it stands to reason that there would be one, the reason that would shape their strategy, whatever it was, nice to stay on the sandbox which they let us play in, it would be up to them whether or not to disclose it).
You are certain that the company have decided that whatever it is, despite not having told you anything, that is something specific you were doing that they objective? You don't think it's a technical problem like with your browser for operating system or internet service provider? Can your machine have been corrupted by some predator or advertising influence or malware?
He mentioned something about perceiving an issue with separately produced Chinese supplements or herbs. Could that be the source of an issue?
I use the same setup on my iPad as I do for this forum. They won’t reply when I message the forum administrator. When I first joined there was no problem then one day I couldn’t post any more. Posts I made on there are of same nature as ones I post here. Nothing radical.
My son has an adhd type problem which has been much improved by diet, exercise, and multivitamins and he has gone from dropping out of school to achieving A grades at university last year. You would think they would allow feedback like this so people can at least trial a healthy lifestyle on their kids but apparently they would rather have people drug them.
If I disappear off here I guess they are watching me here too🤩
I am not sure what you mean about the Chinese herbs. I did mention my son is taking Hardys multivitamins at the clinical dose and that I believe they have helped him greatly along with other lifestyle changes. But I say the same on here and it doesn’t seem to be an issue and other people recommend various brands. I also recommend not giving kids sugar or processed food with additives in them. That’s about it.
Just for interest I am aware of others who have had the same problem, for the same sort of reasons, on a couple of other forums. Keep doing what you are doing where you can! Thank goodness not all forums are so minded. That said, I did once think it had happened to me and it was a temporary system blip, but I did get a reply to my message......Cheers
I made a post as a joke and I was blocked. Somebody in power doesn't have a sense of humor.
Definitely true about this crowd, they have a cancel culture sort of well looking at you. Witches brew is fine but watch out if for some reason they decide you don't fit their peg board, it's like you are those three headed things from war of the worlds. As I said before, it's their sandbox. If they won't give you feedback, then it's like you're a dog being told no... You don't know what the heck they're talking about so you can't comply if you wanted to, and when that happens your guess and the guess of the dog next door was as good as anybody's.
Maybe they do not believe that you understand the severity of the problem that they and their family is going through since you do not have the problem yourself and they think that you are making light of their situation by your constant being on about some " Organic " and put down the only thing that they have found that helps. Why are you here?
Relax, Gymsack. LAJ12345 is a caregiver to her Husband with Parkinson's.
My post was not about being blocked. Rather it was about moderators who decide what's worth reading or worth being blocked. This happened to me on a different website. It was about dieting and I joked to people who have no sense of humor.
I had exactly the same experience, exactly. It was like I had flicked holy water on that girl in The Exorcist. But it was here, this website.
It's like, come here and we will feed the hungry. Except you, you don't look like you eat, out damned spot. If I were to say back, wait don't you want to put quotes around that otherwise isn't it plagiarism? Then you get the Reagan head spinning around and something throws you out the window and down a quarter mile of stone steps.
My hubby has PD and my son has some form of adhd, not as yet diagnosed because the waiting time to see anyone was about 4 months and we were getting desperate. In the meantime I gave him Hardys as they have had clinical trials for adhd and that is the main reason they are used. Also a friends son has taken them since he was 7 and they worked amazingly well on him. He is now 20 and still takes them. (PD was not on their list of conditions they could be useful for so it was a bit of a trial and the change has been remarkable. )
My son was a disaster at school, couldn’t focus, and at home, so yes, we went through exactly the same issues people were describing with their kids.
What would be the point using a website when you can't tell if the information is any good, it would be like going to a tire store, asking about the tire, and being silently showed the door? Then when you go back to ask they close the curtains and lock the door. Read some Kafka and get back to us with a book report, tell the details where when how what why the experience of the character was about. On average it might take you up to 30 years to get back to us, but it could take you just 15 minutes. But if you are correct you will be awarded $17.78 million dollars... But no matter what you come up with, you will not be told the correct answer. Oh and please include the instructions for the left handed Rubik's cube.
You know one day a number of years ago, I drove my car into the automatic teller at my bank, drive up window you know, you drive up in your car and then other driver's side there's the teller machine. And while I was waiting I looked at it closer and noticed that with everything else there were also instructions and keypad dittos in Braille.