A very long but understandable and useful video.
Fasting for Parkinson's : A very long but... - Cure Parkinson's
Fasting for Parkinson's

I saw the video , but does not tell how , fasting can help treating parkinson's.
Dr. Matthew Phillips does have a web site where he has more information
Thank you very much, I will go through the veideos and try to pratice and give you feed back
there is a section on his web site where he gives some details and talks about the diet and he had some menu plans and some food preparation ideas and recipes
The answer is that the fasting period allows time for blood sugar levels to come down and remain down for longer which allows time for the mitochondria to recover from processing the glucose. Of course another way to allow the blood suggar to come down is by not raising it in the first place i.e. a low carb diet.
How does it help me ??
My question remains, I have gone through the video, but I could not make out how it is going to help me to improve or cure my parkinson's condition?? . it does not discuss about how to improve parkinson's conditions.
Dr. Matthew Phillips has many videos on YouTube on how to treat degenerative diseases with the carnivore diet, or keto, and intermittent fasting. Furthermore, he not only talks about that topic, he has cured quite a few patients this way. Here is a video where two wise doctors talk about the topic: "Hope for Alzheimer's & Parkinson's with Metabolic Neurology" ...... a wonder. youtube.com/watch?v=_FsuO_d...
Forgive my English language from Google Translate, I'm from Spain, which sometimes produces errors. Dr. Matthew Phillips says that he has worked with Parkinson's patients, (that's what I understand), for 8 weeks and has seen a huge improvement in them with the practice of fasting and the keto diet. What happen ? , it seems that he does not receive aid for his studies and has not been able to go further, it is a shame. Here you can see the video where he explains this study, (Keto diet is better than low carb only diet, I understand): youtube.com/watch?v=iBNNIID...
And here you can see another video where there are two testimonies with two people who have recovered from two serious illnesses that they said were irrecoverable: youtube.com/watch?v=jhE-JD6... (minute 31 )
I hope that someone who speaks English and knows more about these topics will clarify them for those of us who do not have much knowledge.
I had been taken part in this study in Autumn 2022:
clinicaltrials.gov/study/NC... , (unfortunately no results published yet as it looks) . It included one week of medically suported fasting. The first 3 days were tough , but then it went quite well. What I can say is, that my motor symptoms improved a lot - tremor was entirely gone (this is pretty much my only motor symptom). I'm now doing intermittent fasting (16/8) for most of the days, but the effect on motor symptoms is limited. This clininc is now offering fasting as an in-patient treatment. To put this in perspective: this year getting into the 3rd year after dx, Azilect only.
did you lose a lot of weight while in this study? This is one thing that prevents us from trying fasting schedules.
interested to hear this. I am also considering fasting. Can you provide some more details. How long dis the benefits last? Were they sustained? Etc. Would love to hear the detail! Many thanks.
The fasting was according to Buchinger's scheme en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_... . everything else is mentioned in my post above.
I found this video excellent. Easy to understand. Thanks for posting it.
I've been following Dr Matthews since DX and I'm please to say he's really going forward with his research and presentations.
Many thanks. You reported that shakes disappeared during the fast. I was curious to know how quickly they returned once you broke the fast. Your post indicates that they did return but were not fully controlled by intermittent fasting