The environment makes the cells says Bruc... - Cure Parkinson's

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The environment makes the cells says Bruce Lipton. The importance of isolating the supposedly sick person...

ManuCalma profile image
26 Replies

"There are cells that can come to know their true essence by going beyond their environment and their conditioning"

Parkinson's is caused by intense fears whose original cause, being the "effect" itself at a multifactorial biochemical level, comes from tendencies in perception established by a process of assigning transgenerational information (mechanics unknown to science) whose trauma is originally It spreads among members of future generations, causing intense fear in those who host it that translates into constant oxidative stress to the limit of breaking the production of dopamine in the body due to "biological impotence."

This helplessness is a constant nocebo that the supposed patient is forced to live, creating a vicious circle in which "I do not heal" since the "increase in the symptom" makes me feel "powerlessness" and the impotence itself or "not being able to achieve" Despite the desire to get rid of the disease, it becomes chronic in a process of incremental deterioration that is directly proportional to the degree of perception of the symptom and its consequences. "Fear of deterioration fuels one's own deterioration"

The objective of this project is the pure isolation of the patient so that they experience a new reality parallel to the one they are currently experiencing, ensuring that new perception triggers are imposed on their unconscious level. Little by little, the immersion in the new environment and the constant bombardment of images opposite to his or her current vision that recreate a new self freed from the disease and that he or she also begins to "feel as possible" will make it easier for his or her placebo to take place. In the long run, neuroplasticity will do its work as a result of following continued meditative and introspective processes guided towards that new reality. Then the disease...will dissolve.

To do this, the patient must be isolated from his usual environment (the one that triggers the synapses through the usual neuronal circuits) that is, "his toxic environment" and begin detoxification and perceptual transformation for at least several months or even if he manages to do so. the way, carry out its definitive transfer to a natural or rural environment.

The isolation of a small group of patients will facilitate the execution of a research project on placebo and self-healing processes through the continuous simulation of realities by Artificial Intelligence in which the "character" of that simulation is equipped with the same appearance as the supposed patient (using the most advanced virtual reality), and lives experiences that end up imposing themselves on their mind, subconsciously dissolving the idea that the body could be sick.

All information received that purports to show harmful side effects of the medication, news of incurability, feedback from the constant vision of other patients that fuel mental impressions contrary to the objective of this project, all of this must be removed from the patient's experience. You must make a progressive immersion in a reality created specifically to dislodge your fears. In fact, it is necessary to recognize that the entire environment and the system itself in which we find ourselves is manufacturing the same disease from the point in which we live in a structure based on the dignity of power, that is, the representation of fear itself.

Therefore, the first consideration is the necessary immersion of the entire participating team towards a reality "freed from the disease". Otherwise the project will not be possible. This has strong implications since in all probability the majority of funding initiatives, neurologists, scientific protocols are impregnated with the very negativity and helplessness that is the origin of the disease and which they call "being realistic" when in reality "nothing is what it seems" since there have always been "unlimited possibilities.

"Give me just one righteous man and I will save the whole city" For this negative feedback to be stopped, there only needs to be a single person with sufficient certainty that curing Parkinson's is a real possibility.

The solution is not sought since what you seek produces "a constant search." The solution must only be believed and projected in the mind as real. The rest will be added.

I will not have collaborators who are alarmist, incredulous, or who talk about problems, difficulties, or who are obsessed with the scientific method. We live what we think. If this disease has not yet been cured, who knows what we will be thinking about...

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ManuCalma profile image
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26 Replies
Gymsack profile image

Interesting, plausible, there is more to the universe than we can ever understand with our tiny brains. A kind of extension of being happy while still in pain . " (mechanics unknown to science) " but if it is there then it should be seen by someone who practise methods of thought , yoga, meditation, religious prayer, dreams etc.

Please continue. Easy to reject, but I would like this to be true , Keeping an open mind, otherwise we never learn anything.

Gioc profile image

Sorry but I don't understand anything, it's all mixed up and confusing. You should improve the work done with your AI chatbot, because I really don't understand what you're talking about.

And then we PWPs here have a brain STRUCTURE problem, not FUNCTION, so it's like having your arms amputated.

You are healed when your arm grows back and you can see this when it happens, anything different “you believe or projected in the mind as real“.

With PD it's the same, you have to repair the brain structure to restore dopaminergic function.

Let's do this: Tell me what I should buy and I'll think about it so it remains clearer.

Gymsack profile image
Gymsack in reply toGioc

Mind over matter, but if you do not agree , never mind , no matter.

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply toGymsack


Gymsack profile image
Gymsack in reply toGioc

think outside the box, never reject an idea completly , because that is why we can not see the future. Because sometimes are minds are too tightly controlled by fear or lack of accepting new adventures and a need for a fixed base that we have come to rely on being there.

We do not know what is possible nor do we really have the courage to look for it sometimes the impossible becomes real and that is what keeps me going, that is the wonder of life. One thing for sure , it is not impossible, therefore I listened to people who have something to say like Pope John Paul and so many that saw differently than me . We are just touching knowledge and we will still be searching for more 500 years from now. What will we know then that was impossible .

Gioc profile image
Gioc in reply toGymsack

But I agree it's just that as a minor God I'm out of practice since the time of the battlefields of ancient Greece, and I no longer have the power of the saints. By the way, what do you think that circle halo around the head with which the Saints are represented is? It's a question of right training 😀

It is possible that these testimonials were more real when not believed today.

Saint George, the The soldier who died was resurrected three times.
MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toGymsack

Jim, It's a 4 hour video!! Did you watch the whole thing?

ManuCalma profile image
ManuCalma in reply toGioc

I use Google Translator to write this Post. Muy English is poor. Sorry!

Bennorca profile image
Bennorca in reply toManuCalma

Try for translations. Seems to be better than Google.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply toManuCalma

Your English is good enough. It's your explanation of PD that I don't understand.

park_bear profile image

Wrong: "Parkinson's is caused by intense fears"

There are 21 different mutations known to cause Parkinson's, as well as the number of toxic chemicals. Please drop this false allegation which has the potential to be used to blame the patient.

Ashti profile image
Ashti in reply topark_bear

Or empower the patient. Don’t forget “the fool, who didn’t know it was impossible, and went ahead and did it”. Or that fine balance of being skeptical while keeping an open mind. There is so much we don’t know.

Reetpetitio profile image

I think you'd like Abraham-Hicks. I was reading some of their quotes the other day about dis-ease and healing and thinking hmmmm, I really may need to unsubscribe from the Cure Parkinsons forum!

Abraham-Hicks meme
Gregg_K profile image
Gregg_K in reply toReetpetitio

Thank you for that Hick quote. I know from Joe Dispenza that this is true.

rebtar profile image

Could you post or message the original in Spanish? I'm bilingual and I think I'd understand better w/o Google translate.

ManuCalma profile image
ManuCalma in reply torebtar

El ambiente hace a las células dice Bruce Lipton. La importancia del aislamiento del supuesto enfermo...

Hay células que pueden llegar a conocer su verdadera esencia yendo más allá de su ambiente y de sus condicionamientos...

El Parkinson está causado por intensos temores cuya causa original, siendo el propio "efecto" a nivel bioquímico multifactorial, proviene de tendencias en la percepción establecidas por un proceso de asignación de informaciones del transgeneracional (mecánica desconocida por la ciencia) cuyo trauma en origen se propaga entre los miembros de futuras generaciones causando en los que lo alojan un miedo intenso que se traduce en constante estrés oxidativo hasta el límite de romper la producción de dopamina en el cuerpo por "impotencia biológica".

Esta impotencia es un constante nocebo que el supuesto enfermo se obliga a vivir creando un círculo vicioso en el que "no sano" dado que el "incremento del síntoma" me hace sentir "impotencia" y la propia impotencia o el "no poder alcanzar" pese al deseo de salir de la enfermedad la cronifica en un proceso de deterioro incremental que es directamente proporcional al grado de percepción del síntoma y a sus consecuencias. _Temor a deteriorarse alimenta el propio deterioro._

El objetivo de este proyecto es el puro aislamiento del paciente para que experimente una nueva realidad paralela a la que actualmente está viviendo procurando que en su nivel inconsciente se impongan nuevos disparadores de percepción. Poco a poco la inmersión en el nuevo ambiente y el bombardeo constante de imágenes opuestas a su visión actual que recrean un nuevo yo liberado de la enfermedad y que además él o ella empieza a "sentir como posible" facilitará que su placebo tenga lugar. A la larga, la neuroplasticidad hará su trabajo como resultado de seguir continuados procesos meditativos e introspectivos guiados hacia esa nueva realidad. Entonces la disolverá.

Para ello, el paciente debe ser aislado de su entorno habitual (aquél que le dispara las sinapsis a través de los circuitos neuronales habituales) o sea "su ambiente tóxico" e iniciar la desintoxicación y transformación perceptiva durante al menos varios meses o incluso si consigue la manera, efectuar su traslado definitivo a un entorno natural o rural..

El aislamiento de un grupo reducido de pacientes va a facilitar la ejecución de un proyecto de investigación sobre el placebo y los procesos de auto-sanación mediante la simulación continuada de realidades por Inteligencia Artificial en las que el "personaje" de esa simulación está dotado de la misma apariencia que el supuesto paciente (utilizando lo más avanzado en realidad virtual), y vive experiencias que acaban imponiéndose en su mente, deshaciendo a nivel inconsciente la idea de que el cuerpo pudiera estar enfermo.

Toda información recibida que pretenda mostrar efectos secundarios nocivos de la medicación, noticias de incurabilidad, realimentación de la constante visión de otros enfermos que aviven impresiones mentales opuestas al objetivo de este proyecto, todo eso se debe extirpar de la experiencia del paciente. Debe realizar una inmersión progresiva en una realidad creada específicamente para desalojar sus temores. De hecho se hace necesario reconocer que todo el entorno y el propio sistema en el que nos encontramos está fabricando la misma enfermedad desde el punto en que vivimos en una estructura fundamentada en la dignificación del poder o sea la representación del temor en sí.

Por tanto, la primera consideración es la necesaria inmersión de todo el equipo participante hacia una realidad "liberada de la enfermedad" . De lo contrario el proyecto no va a ser posible. Esto tiene fuertes implicaciones ya que con toda probabilidad la mayoría de iniciativas de financiación, neurólogos, protocolos científicos están impregnados de la propia negatividad e impotencia que es el origen de la enfermedad y a la que ellos llaman "ser realista" cuando en realidad "nada es lo que parece" dado que siempre existieron "ilimitadas posibilidades".

"Dame un sólo justo y salvaré a toda la ciudad"

Para que esa retroalimentación negativa se pueda parar sólo hace falta que haya una única persona con la suficiente certeza de que sanar el Parkinson es una posibilidad real. La solución no se busca ya que aquello que buscas produce "un constante seguir buscando". La solución únicamente debe ser creída y proyectada en la mente como real. Lo demás se dará por añadidura.

No voy a tener colaboradores alarmistas, incrédulos, o que hablen de problemas, dificultades, o que estén obsesionados por el método científico. Vivimos lo que pensamos. Si todavía no se ha curado esta enfermedad a saber en qué estaremos pensando...

Bennorca profile image
Bennorca in reply toManuCalma

Eso confirma lo que RJ Spina dice en su libro “Supercharged self-healing” y con los resultados obtenidos por el Dr Joe Dispenza.

Puede ser que no hay ninguna cura MEDICA, pero hay muchas personas curadas de Párkinson que han “ reeducado” su mente subconsciente el cual quiere “proteger” la persona basándose en programas mentales obsoletos.

CuriousMe12 profile image

I think that you are wrong in stating that there is a single cause of parkinsons. However a 'mind over matter' approach may be a novel way to fixing.Psilocybin is already used in Australia to treat depression by inducing neuroplasticity.

The problem with science is that it is slow and cumbersome to progress and restricted by its need to fit humans logical understanding.

99% of nature is not understood by science which is why we often ignore some flimsy logic and instead follow our heart or gut based on lived experience.

So if you're not hurting anyone then good luck.

Bennorca profile image
Bennorca in reply toCuriousMe12

Dr Janice. Haddlock distinguishes between four major types of PD.

Her PDF-books are free:

CuriousMe12 profile image
CuriousMe12 in reply toBennorca

Thanks I'll take a look.Has Janice book helped you?

Bennorca profile image
Bennorca in reply toCuriousMe12

Yes, it has!

And so has

MBAnderson profile image

Janice Hadlock also claims we can be rid of PD if only we have the right attitude, so if you don't succeed it is because you didn't achieve the right attitude - a fail safe formula. Read; it's your fault.

I said it before and deleted the comment, but now that it has gone on and on, I want to be on record; it just so much HOOEY.

My PD was likely caused by Agent Orange, i.e, dioxin and no amount of change in my attitude will bring back the 80% of my dopaminergic neurons that are lost.

I have but one question, what about the people who with PD, but who have not experienced trauma or stress?

Believing that your PD is your fault or within your control to cure is a self-esteem issue.

Gymsack profile image
Gymsack in reply toMBAnderson

I think in an open forum like this , that if someone believes strongly about something that is likely to do no harm that they should be free to post without fear of attack. Tolerance of ideas that you do not share is a prerequisite of free speech and learning. I want a window on the world , not just the little part I live in. The poster believes he is on a mission probably from God. Many People have very different belief systems which were created and influenced by a myriad of factors. Religion, the minds influence on the body, meditation, certain exercises , odd foods , all examples of ways of thinking that differ to the Western Scientific approach

Otherwise we might just as well post in the Health Unlocked introduction page " We believe the following to be true , any other belief do not post it here .

A friend of mine was in big trouble. It was in the late 1950s, and he had ulcers in his stomach and it was going to kill him and the pain was severe. Western medicine as it existed in my local hospital was to treat with soft foods with a big list of foods that he was not allowed to eat. He went to an old Chinese Herbalist who told him to take a combination of things that he gave him , no money exchanged until it worked and not that much. He warned that the medicine was very strong, and that there would be nasty side effects because he believed that something in my friend's digestive system was alive and eating his stomach.

It worked . He got better. After a few months he went to his old doctor and tests showed that there was now very few ulcers in his stomach and they were healing and eventually he got a complete satisfactory bill of health, no ulcers.

A couple years later Western medicine treated stomach ulcers by killing ( or making uneffective ) the virus that caused stomach ulcers.

MBAnderson profile image

And we should be equally free to disagree.

Saying "hooey" is hardly an "attack."

Plus, expressing disagreement is equally constructive.

Esperanto profile image

There may be several objections to the proposed experiment. I have listed them by my AI employee:

1. Ethics: Isolating patients from their usual environment and removing information that is inconsistent with the experiment may raise ethical questions. It can be considered manipulative to consciously expose patients to a created reality without their full consent and without information about potential risks.

2. Validity of the approach: Although placebo effects and neuroplasticity are important factors in promoting healing and well-being, the experiment may be an overly simplistic approach to the complex causes and treatment of Parkinson's. The idea that the disease can be cured by simply changing perception and isolating the environment cannot be fully supported by scientific evidence.

3. Lack of scientific validation: The experiment seems to suggest that the traditional medical approach based on scientific evidence and protocols is not helpful. Although alternative approaches and complementary therapies may be valuable, it is important to ensure that there is sufficient scientific evidence before they are recommended as the main treatment.

4. Potential negative impact: Isolating patients from their usual environment can also have negative consequences, such as removing social support systems and increasing feelings of loneliness and isolation. In addition, removing information about the disease and potential risks may expose patients to unrealistic expectations and disappointment if the experiment does not produce the desired results. 

I see another potential objection to the experiment. Constantly facing other Parkinson's patients and their symptoms and problèmes may lead to a negative impact on your emotional and psychological well-being.

That does not alter the fact that the current living environment of many PD people is often too stressful. Improving that can be an important step.

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