WIM HOF help with Parkinsons: Google Wim... - Cure Parkinson's

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WIM HOF help with Parkinsons

38yroldmale profile image
16 Replies

Google Wim Hof if you don’t know who he is. He has helped me more with Parkinsons than any drug has. (I don’t respond that great to meds) I am on less than 1/2 my meds from my worst. (dx about 5 years ago) all from controlling my mind with Wims breathing/meditation, cold exposure and sauna. Google “cold shot proteins” and “heat shock proteins”

I’m sure I bug the hell out of neurologists. I am so proactive about my treatments, most non pharmaceutical. My favorite one stressed meditation and retired after the 3rd time I saw her. I couldn’t meditate with all the coaching and apps I tried until Wim Hof breathing. It’s so incredibly simple but effective. Most sessions are recommended to be 3-4 rounds, but it would take me sometimes. 6-7 rounds to really calm your brain. Now I can do it within 2-3 rounds.

I started with cold showers. It works so well I bought a cold plunge. I sit in 39 degree water for 10 min every morning. I’ve done up to 20 minutes but it hurt me more than helped. It’s the “shock” and adjustment to the shock that’s beneficial. You can do it too. Try cold showers for a couple of weeks.

I went to dinner with an old friend yesterday. He last saw me last Christmas. He said “ I walked into the restaurant behind you and didn’t think it was you because my gait had improved so much.”

Wim has done incredible feats that were so crazy doctors wanted to study him. They injected him E. coli. and he had no symptoms. They have done the same E.coli like 16,000 times and not one person hasn’t got sick. The doctors were so amazed that they did it again but this time they monitored his immune response before he got the shot. The doctors couldn’t believe it because the moment before they told Wim they were about to give him his shot, he had an immune response. BEFORE he was injected. They told him he was just a freak and that he was special. He asked if he could get volunteers to learn his methods. I think they gave him a couple of weeks,…..weeks to train 18 others and 18 controls. They randomly selected 12 from each group. The 12 controls all got sick. The 12 Wim trained, DID NOT GET SICK!

Try it for 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Make sure you don’t stop before you get in the “zone”. You’ll know what I mean. I believe medicine will never cure Parkinsons because it has a huge mental part that a pill cannot fix. Before long, the side effects of the meds may be worse than the disease. Seriously!

It’s changed my life. I am honestly not just surviving anymore. I don’t dwell on thing, I’m at peace.



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38yroldmale profile image
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16 Replies
jeeves19 profile image

This is astonishing. An excellent post. Thanks for sharing 👍

JJAJJ profile image

I’m with you on that one ! I freeze my body in the shower every morning for ten minutes. This helps with back ache, leg ache and wrinkles which I seem to have acquired helping my HWP the past few years !

Zella23 profile image

Amazing result for you, so pleased you persevered and found his method helps.

I watched him plunge people under ice on a frozen lake on the TV. Not for everyone though.

Dubbhoy profile image


I from Dublin, Ireland. Could you please see the following links. I would be very interested in your thoughts. I have an Osmio Infinity hydroxy breathing machine.


youtube.com/watch?v=Hpkj_ET... (youtube.com/watch?v=Hpkj_ET...

Thank you.



38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to Dubbhoy

Could u send me a link to those videos. I can’t get them to work. I believe my Parkinsons has lots of factors one of them is oxygen in the brain. If this helps oxygen get into your system, it could only be good. I’ve been Anemic most of my life do to a B12 deficiency, MTHFR and a terrible diet.

One of the main functions of red blood cells is to carry oxygen. Being anemic means I don’t get oxygen different parts of the brain. My hands and feet have always been cold. Now they are not. The cold therapy is also vital to improved circulation. As I’ve fixed my anemia I’ve definitely helped my symptoms.

The ranges on blood tests are not always accurate. I’d rather be in the middle than borderline problems.

Dubbhoy profile image
Dubbhoy in reply to 38yroldmale

Yes sure. Please find the links below. Hydroxy is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Mark Kent from Osmio would be better equipped to discuss the percentages of oxygen involved.




Please let me know if you have any problems with the links. I can always email them to you directly.

I am in Dublin. I am 48 and have Parkinsons twelve years. I was diagnosed after a viral infection.



Fumaniron profile image

I echo your sentiments 100%. Changed my life, too!

John_morris71 profile image

I am glad that it has worked for you. Hope you inspire many who can/will try it out.

Wish I could do it for my mother too. But she is 80 years old and too weak to even give it a try. I do physiotherapy for her for 30 minutes and make her walk for 20 minutes every day and that itself is a challenge.

gomelgo profile image

I'm beginning to think that PD is really a disease of mindset. I wonder if whatever method one is wholeheartedly willing to believe and commit to, will work because it works on our mind and finally brings us the peace we so badly need.

38yroldmale profile image

The longer I am dx and the more I do Wim Hof method, I believe my form of Parkinsons is a mental disorder with some physiological component. I know my form is highly mental. In less than six months, it took me to get diagnosed, my symptoms became much much more severe. My symptoms were about the same for years until I figured out that I had Parkinson’s. Then it’s like I fell off a cliff. I literally couldn’t walk less than 3 to 4 months.

I can honestly say for the first time in my life, I’m not scared of the future. Sure I’ve been happier, maybe not. I am at complete peace with myself. I grew up in a very high demand religion that made me feel a lot of shame for normal mundane things. My mom, brother and 2 sisters are very toxic. I seem to absorb the emotions and feelings of others around me.

I remember when I was 10, thinking my life is 1/8 over. That’s messed up. Watching my kids grow up. I would worry so much about them growing and changing that I would not live in the moment. I had to get ground down to not wanting to live before I figured it out. God wants you to help others and love people.

Could never shut my brain off. I couldn’t be honest with myself, I would just ignore my faults and problems. Wim Hof changed all that. I’m not depressed. I think depression drives Parkinson’s progression.

Im aware that Parkinson’s is probably many diseases with similar symptoms. I just want to share my experiences with others so maybe someone won’t have to suffer as much. I’m lucky because I have a very good support system. I caution people not to be obsessed so much with Parkinson’s. It’s very difficult because of our personality and the chronic symptoms. When I stop giving a shit about Parkinsons symptoms , my life changed. I could only do this with the help of the mind control of Wim Hof.

38yroldmale profile image


kaypeeoh profile image

I followed Hof for years. Long before my PD began I lived in Wyoming where winters are long and vicious. As a distance runner I was interested in anything that might help me tolerate the cold. I saw videos of Hof running in shorts when air temp was negative. I'm not arguing but I wonder what is happening with breathing exercises. He starts with hyperventilation, that is breathing fast, then goes to holding his breath for long periods. There's nothing new about hyperventilation. Deep divers have been doing it forever. Hyperventilation flushes the CO2 from the blood which allows him to hold his breath for long periods. These days you can find doctors using something similar to a tanning bed but it is pumping 100% oxygen into the body. Is this just a way of filling the hemoglobin with oxygen and sending it to all parts of the body AND Brain? Like I said, I'm not arguing, just wondering how this relates to Parkinson's Disease.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to kaypeeoh

I don’t think it’s healthy to be obsessed with Parkinson’s. Like I stated before, my Parkinson’s is highly mental. Some others are more of a physical disease.

For Literally 4 1/2 years, all I thought about is that I’m going to lose my mind like a friend of mine‘s dad who had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 38 that I knew in his early 60s. I was dx at 38. He asked me if I was real.

The only way I can control my thoughts is through the breathing techniques. I used to have to take 3 to 4 anxiety, pills, a week, and probably needed to more but I didn’t want to get hooked. I haven’t taken one in a month or more. That’s not healthy. Wim Hof method is a tool to help control your mind and thoughts.

kaypeeoh profile image

Thanks for the note, Have you tried Parkinson's Disease medications? Other than anxiety pills? I was diagnosed four or five years ago. For the longest time I didn't believe I was sick. Now I take Rytary. I have no symptoms as long as I take the capsules every eight hours. But when I forget I develop double vision. That's about it for signs of PD. I'll look into the Hof breathing techniques,

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to kaypeeoh

I’ve been on c/l off and on the whole time. When I got pretty bad, I could feel it working definitely. Now my symptoms have let up quite a bit, so I don’t know if I’m getting much benefit, just side effects.

kaypeeoh profile image
kaypeeoh in reply to 38yroldmale

Yeah, I've heard eventually medication quits helping. Doctors don't have an answer for that, just different drugs.

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