Inspirational old post on exercise - Cure Parkinson's

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Inspirational old post on exercise

jeeves19 profile image
24 Replies

Gang. I’ve been a bit down recently. Post operative blues maybe but I think my belief that I’m too poorly to exercise has contributed. I can maybe mange 10? Good minutes on the bike and feel worse than I did before upon finishing. Then I read through my old posts and found this gem from member Bert Shure. It really picked me up and gave me heart ❤️ . Moral of the story: Rome wasn’t built in a day: little and often might just shift us up the ladder. Thanks for the inspiration Bert.

was diagnosed just over eight years ago. I was too busy working to do any exercise. I never played tennis with my father or brother or danced or walked with my wife.

I hired a trainer to get started. She came three times a week, and I was in the chair for two or three months.

I have worked up to two Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) classes a week, two Zoom classes, and two sessions with my original trainer. I am only allowed to do headstands when someone is available to spot, I can do The Crow in yoga and hold it for a long time. I sat with my back pressed against a wall today at RSB (no chair) for two minutes, and it was easy.

My wife worked out all her life. She danced at the Watergate health club in Washington and did two aerobics classes daily in the studio where Tamilee Webb (Buns of Steel worked. She danced jazz with jumps and landed on her knees with leggings for padding. You know where this story is going.

When I started to exercise, she got one knee scoped, and a few years later, the other knee was replaced. She reminds me regularly not to overdo it. If you do, you won't be able to exercise fora long time. I feel better after working out, and I believe that my Parkinson's symptoms diminished when I switched to six workouts a week plus walking. Cognition as well as tremors. I spoke to a neighbor last week that I don't know well. We said hello and chatted. I couldn't remember her name. I concentrated, and I came up with it! I felt good.

Do you have access to a pool? Can you lift weights? Have you checked for Parkinson's exercise classes for people in wheelchairs? I went to special Parkinson's classes at a great fitness center that was owned and run by a hospital. They did physical therapy for hospital patients and had classes aimed at helping pregnant women, people with Parkinson's, and some other conditions; There were recently diagnosed people who had no visible symptoms, all the way to people who were in wheelchairs and needed a helper to get around. I found the wheelchair people very motivating. By the way, they had a dance class one day a week. We warmed up on chairs. Some people stayed in their chairs. We did ballet at the bar, did square dancing, and danced to different songs. It was fun.

Sadly, this place closed down during the Covid pandemic and hasn't reopened.

Speaking of sad, a guy at my new RSB class was amazing on the speed bag. He was better than most of the coaches and volunteers. His problem was freezing. I didn't know what it was until I saw him stop moving while walking and then slowly tip over. Yikes. Time to work harder. He is staying with a relative in another county. I hope he comes back. He offered to give me speed bag tips. If someone told me nine years ago that I would be interested in tips on hitting the speed bag, I would have thought they were crazy,

Good luck. Let us know how you are doing!

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jeeves19 profile image
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24 Replies
LindaP50 profile image

stay positive Jeeves - your HealthUnlocked team is here to support you.

Watch your favorite funny movie. 🙂

jeeves19 profile image

Thanks Linda

Kat343 profile image

Jeeves, First and foremost, blessings to YOU! My HwP cannot exercise due to lots pain just about everywhere, bad back, bilateral ankle replacements, bad knees, bad shoulder, etc. He is going to a very special chiropractor who specializes in the Atlas (C1) and she highly recommends vibration plate therapy since he can't even walk a 1/2 block at times! I know that 'the research' is mixed, but they are quite inexpensive (compared to other exercise machines, etc) and we are currently borrowing my sisters to make sure hubby will like it and so far he does - he just sits, places his feet on it and uses it 3x a day, 10 minutes each. I am hoping he will be able to use it in different positions, but for now, it's much better than Nothing. I like using it as well - its fun! Standing on it is a trip, totally jiggles you all over. Anyway, never give up on your good fight, keep the Faith and see if this is something that you magic be able to do. We have only been using it for about 10 days so I cannot speak to its effectiveness, but I just wanted to reach out with this suggestion. There have been other posts about this too, look them up! Take great care and remember, even lifting your feet while sitting, moving your arms with intention, Stretching, etc - everything adds up!

LindaP50 profile image
LindaP50 in reply to Kat343

Sorry your hubby is in so much pain. Does cbd oil work for him?

Agree! Move. Twitch. Shake your hands, move feet up and down .. it all does add up and keeps the muscles moving and the blood flowing.

Kat343 profile image
Kat343 in reply to LindaP50

Thank you for reaching out Linda, I was trying it, but he never thought it healed. I was also confused if I should use just CBD or with THC. If you have experience with either, I'd like to know what helped and how often you use it. Thank you!

Sydney75 profile image
Sydney75 in reply to Kat343

Pool is excellent as it is non wright bearing. Be careful with vibration plates if you have any rods, screws etc. Usually contraindicated because micro vibration could lose screws.

Kat343 profile image
Kat343 in reply to Sydney75

SYDNEY! Holy cow, he has bilateral ankle replacements AND a rod in his humerous. You may have literally saved his ... limbs! I am going to check with his surgeon and chiropractor on this and not let him use it til they approve or not. WOW. I feel like this was almost a divine message from you, THANK YOU for replying!

Sydney75 profile image
Sydney75 in reply to Kat343

You welcome we learn from other's mistakes thank goodness!

jeeves19 profile image
jeeves19 in reply to Kat343

Sorry Kat. Forgot to thank you for this and lovely post . You sound like a very kind lady and reading about your husband’s condition, makes me realise how badly off others can be.

Zella23 profile image

I enjoyed reading about a fellow member, he certainly found what suited him best. What an inspirational story.

I’m sure it sounds like you have post operative blues and you re being too hard on yourself. How about a nice walk, although it’s roasting hot at the moment and as you say build up gradually. We walk every day as I’ve 2 knee replacements and don’t want a repeat. My HWP has a very sore back all of the time and walking helps ease the pain and mobility. He does exercises at home and keeps mobile like that too.

You’ve been through a massive trauma with your op, give yourself time and start gently.

jeeves19 profile image
jeeves19 in reply to Zella23

Thanks Zella. You’re absolutely right m’dear. I have tried to start fast paced cycling for the last 4 nights and have felt positively dreadful as a result (10 mins, don’t worry: I’m not going for the 30 minute version). So a nice walk sounds lovely. But I cannot overstate how much I dislike this awful heat. I know that we had a bad summer but give me a rainy cold autumn day anytime.

Ghmac profile image
Ghmac in reply to jeeves19

put a cool/damp/wet kerchief on neck when walking? might help with heat?

lingfield222 profile image

Hi Jeeves, you are not long after post op and think/hope you will look back at this in six months time and be pleased with how much you are achieving. We can be hard on ourselves and impatient to get back to previous levels or better. I’m sure you will achieve this, but be kind to yourself!

jeeves19 profile image
jeeves19 in reply to lingfield222

Thanks lingfield. See response to Zella above!

Bunny622023 profile image

I think it's a fantastic post and SO true. Especially "Rome wasn't built in a day"... just give it time..

jeeves19 profile image
jeeves19 in reply to Bunny622023

That’s my girl!

Missy0202 profile image

Be kind to yourself. You have moved mountains to get where you are. Being blue can get the better of us, but holding hands virtually can help bring a smile back. Baby steps at this point in your recovery sounds like a good place to start without putting undo pressure on you to be better. Easy for me to say for I know...... Your honestly and transparency helps all those reading in the background. Wishing you light and healing🥰

jeeves19 profile image
jeeves19 in reply to Missy0202

Thanks for that Missy

rebtar profile image

you’ve persevered so far and you will continue, I gave no doubt. If it’s too hot to walk, maybe gentle ride on the bike? Move to some upbeat music? Not all exercise has to be intense, slow and steady, and be kind to yourself. Treat yourself as you would your dearest friend, if he/she were in your shoes…❤️

jeeves19 profile image

you’re very kind Rebtar. Lovely generosity of spirit.

Sydney75 profile image

You are correct Rome was not built in a day, be patient with yourself and exercise, get creative such as neuro pilates good mind body connection. I am awed at your bravery!

jeeves19 profile image
jeeves19 in reply to Sydney75

No bravery required Sydney . Just an effort to escape symptoms!

Godiv profile image

You get better! You’re halfway there. Post operative blues are real too. You and I both need to exercise but just start again be careful and be kind to ourselves. We’ll get there! Thinking of you and we’ll try to message you soon but I know you’re busy and trying to recover.

Or sometimes I feel too awful. All of us are thinking of you and rooting for you . 🌻

jeeves19 profile image

Kamran. Thanks for that. You’re too kind. I’m aware that I ‘owe you one’. Switch on 29 th September. Hope it’s not going to be an anti-climax. My voice is proving to be problematic lately. It’s gone very hoarse and raspy. I’m a bit concerned because this is one of the symptoms that DBS doesn’t have any power over. And the back of my neck cracks a lot. Whinge over🤣.

Ali and I went to Tango lessons this evening. Very good for PD apparently?

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