5/9/2023. Please forgive me, but I wish to alter this my first posting here and do apologise for not being as accurate as I should have been. It is a struggle at times for me to put into text that which is important, so I'll go way and make sure it is replaced with a more accurate account.
Below is my Original posting 4/9/2023
I was diagnosed seven years ago, my Neurologist who has since passed, said to me. I rely on the experts when it comes to your Parkinson's in order to help you. You Sir, are that expert. I on the other hand have at my disposal medications that I can use to try and make your life better than Parkinson's makes for you. He then turned to my wife and said. Madam, you have the biggest job of all and I don't envy you. Stressful situations that your husband will find himself facing from time to time will no doubt cause some upheaval. Your task will no be an easy one, but it is a very important one. Hand in hand we have gone together day after day dealing with my Parkinson's Disease, which I have renamed, 'M TOW, aka 'My Terrorist Organisation Within'. So here I am, 72andnotout.😉