Note that I'm NOT not looking for a PD-specific list. I want something I can use as a general guide for my husband and kids as well.
Has anyone found a really comprehensive list showing when/how to take supplements (just vitamins and minerals, not herbals, etc.)? I've looked and looked, but everything I've seen is either incomplete or confusing. I know certain things work well together (e.g. iron and C), certain things should be taken with food and others away from food, and some should be taken in the morning rather than at night, but it's hard to keep track of all that. I've found many charts online, but nothing that actually covers ALL of the standard supps in one easy-to-use resource.
What I'd really love to find is something that looks a bit like this (in a chart form for quick reference, not a narrative) and covers everything, whether it's something we currently take or not:
1 hour before breakfast: Vitamin X
With breakfast: Vitamin X, Minerals X and X
1 hour before lunch: Mineral X
With lunch: Vitamin X, Mineral X