I was thinking of occasionally summarizing research and sharing it this way.
Thanks everybody.
I was thinking of occasionally summarizing research and sharing it this way.
Thanks everybody.
Great job you! Well done. I learned a lot! I subscribed too! Thanks!
great video! i also find anovis bio very promising. the positive impacts are getting closer
I also made a video... youtu.be/GZhnnt66Q7U
Martin Shkreli - are you aware of his history?
Other than that an informative video. I am not saying that having doctors focus on medical school immediately is not a good idea it is just I would rather hear it from someone else than a guy with his history.
Yes. This idea is really common when you look - people h ave been complaining about the AMA for years and my two contacts in the medical research industry confirm it. The social prestige of doctors is too high so most people don' feel comfortable using their brains and arguing with them that there are improvements to be made.
great post. I’ll subscribe also. Where do I subscribe? Excuse me if I’m having a ditzy moment!!😩
Thanks, we’ll done! I learned a lot from your summary and your perspective! Much appreciated!
Thanks SanMateoPD ! Nicely done! Keeping up with the latest science and tech is sometimes the only thing that gives me hope in PD (even though everything is always many years out before it will be available). I also feel like the medical establishment has failed. So frustrating. Hope you keep up the updates.