If you had $ 10 million to spend on your Parkinson's treatment, what specifically would you spend it on?
If you had 10 million dollars to spend on... - Cure Parkinson's
If you had 10 million dollars to spend on your Parkinson's treatment...

I just met with a friend yesterday that had DBS on Valentine’s Day and she said it was the best thing ever. It changed her life. She works out at Rock Steady Boxing headquarters and she asked at least 10 other PwP’s that has DBS the same question and everyone but one said the same thing…..It changed their lives. 🥊
I think insurance takes care of it so I don’t believe you would have to pay the $10,000,000 on it but it sounds like a winner.
there is no cure . Send some money for research
I'd pocket the ten million and immediately start doing FAST WALKING and actually start getting better. Then I'd tour the world and walk through every area of interest, until my final day on earth and die with a smile on my face!
i did fast walking for a month and nothing happened
Tell me exactly what you did in that month?
Did you walk every day?
Were you out of breath when walking as fast as you could?
What distance did you walk on each walk, at the beginning?
Quit my job. Fund my children’s education. Set up a health savings plan for my wife and I. Spend plenty of time living the good, healthy life with my family. Volunteer time to help PWP. Never stop moving to the best of my ability.
If only..... I'd fund unbiased research on causation and then sue Bayer/Monsanto into oblivion with class action lawsuits from the 10 million worldwide AD/PD/ALS victims.
I would spend money to obtain the vibrating gloves from Standford University, if they do not work I would go with the DBS. It seems like they are close to having these ready. It seems like they should be tried before the more invasive DBS?
Unfortunately, our world looks like this these days, we'd rather consume $10 million for ourselves, than share with PD patients who can't afford even basic treatment C/L. 2018 Research in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region shows that these monthly costs of about 33 US dollars (USD) in Tanzania, 10.5 USD in Ethiopia and 48.2 USD in Kenya are for many insurmountable. Taking into account inflation and a small quantity discount of Sinemet, an average of around 500 USD per year. So if I'm right, with $10 million you can help about 20,000 fellow citizens manage their PD symptoms for 1 year.
N=1 vs N=20,000 The choice doesn't seem very difficult…. 🍀
I think there is not much point to this question.
Massage therapy including swedish, reflexology and Thai massage. A new house with an indoor and outdoor swimming pool. Quit my job and travel.
Have you tried Reflexology for your PD? I haven’t wanted to but never have. 🥊
I would invest a large amount if it on research to more clearly define both causes (which we already know) and recovery pathways which are available but need refining.
This amount of money would enable excellent studies that are more likely to be published in widely-read journals.