After I shower get dressed and work at the office for 6 hours I feel like that is my exercise. Is that exercise enough?
exercise: After I shower get dressed and... - Cure Parkinson's

Maybe if you stretch first.
Unfortunately, not...! You need at least 45 min high intensity aerobic exercise. In my opinion the best ever is cycling outdoors rather than indoors, than comes the noncontact boxing, fast walking, jogging, or you may come up with something else you like most. The Key is your pulse to stay within 70-80% of its maximum. Otherwise, you do nothing special. No need to exercise like this every day, but every other day or min 3 times per week is a MUST. To all that should be added a list of specific balance exercises, which you may do every day. This is the minimum plan, so that you may achieve something positive against your PD. Many people do much more.. And if you would in parallel be able also to force yourself on "non sugar" diet, together with some type of intermittent fasting, then who knows... you may reach the blessed days when you would start reducing noticeably your medication ..
How long (minutes or hours) for each of those minimum of 3 times of exercise per week, must one maintain the 70-80% of maximum pulse rate?
The whole session should last at least 45 min. Within this time frame, the longer the pulse is maintained 70-80%, the better. Well, we all know it is not easy. For some people it is ok and they do it. For other it is hardly possible due to serious health problems. There is another group of people for whom it is achievable, but they lack in motivation and waste their mental power to constantly jumping to negative and wrong conclusions. Many factors influence the decision if to try doing this, including you current health status, consultation with your doc. etc.. I just tried to explain what is needed, so that you can achieve some success in slowing or even stopping the progression. Unfortunately this is the name of our game: No pain no gain! Otherwise any type of exercise, which your physical capabilities allow you to do, is better than nothing. Even a simple 15 min walk outside to breed some fresh air may bring you some positive emotions, pleasure or a good mood for a while, but ...
wow. Thank you. I wish I could exercise like that. I barely have enough motivation to get dressed and go to work I’m trying a stationery bicycle to start.
what type of balance exercise do you recommend?
There are hundreds of possible ones.. You may find in the NET what fits you best. Most often I do the following:
Standing, weight on one leg and raising the other leg to the side or behind.
Putting heel right in front of your toe i.e. tandem stance and walking like this forwards and back..
Standing up and sitting down from a chair without using hands. Often changing different types of chairs.
Walking while alternating knee lifts with each step, changing frequently the speed of walking.
Virtual boxing. Here, a good coach may do a miracles for you..
Doing tai chi (this is one of the best I think), but you need a really good instructor.
Instead of 45 minutes, is it okay to do 20 minutes every day?
yes it’s better to do 20 minutes than 0 minutes after you get discouraged to do 45!
Just do the best you can. I know how easily fatigued a pwp can be. Don't kill yourself struggling to do exercise. I advise you to discuss this with your physician and maybe start with a physical therapist or trainer with the experience you need. It's also possible that your heart is not in good enough condition to do 45 minutes of aerobics! Some days, just putting on my socks feels like a workout!
Bolt_Upright posted this earlier. Yes do what you can (anything has to better than staying in bed 24 x 7) but generally the more the better. A shower and an office job do not really equate to exercise. There are risks tho so start always under the watchful eye of a PT and your doc.
Thanks. Yes some days are much worse. I have to go to work late because I can’t get dressed until my medicine works.
have you considered taking some sick leave or using disability benefits to give yourself more time for exercise?
you could start with where you park your car, and create a 5 min extra walk to work?
I totally agree with Dadcor. Please see the attached YouTube video of a webinar with Bas Bloem on the topic of: what type of exercise is best for Parkinson’s? Bas Bloem it’s a world leader on that topic.
I personally do 45 minutes of intense cross trainer, six days per week.
As for me the biggest improvements have been from High Dose Thiamine (B1) and exercise. I recommend Dap1948 's book and her Facebook Group. B1 gives me the energy to exerise............
My regime first thing in the morning and after breakfast
Plate Vibration machine
Sit ups
Bench Press
Running Machine
Dumb Bell Weights
Rebounder exercise
Then later i go for a 3 mile walk
Most mornings i don't want to do this but i make myself do it and afterwards im glad and feel better for it I appreciate there is no one size fits they say "Listen to your body" and don't over do it
Interesting--Forced Exercise with Rats, is electric shock, if you fall behind... 🤔
Is Forced Rats a double whammy: A Reward NOT SHOCKED... 🤪
I think you being able to make it to work takes a lot of energy and you should be proud of yourself for doing that. I am lucky if I am able to get up, dressed and go for a walk. I think each of us has to do the best we can. Take care of yourself and know that you are doing good.
at least an hour and a morning and I love this every day for the past 13 years and I stay as active as possible every day taking care of my 4 grandchildren and I attribute much of my success with little progression in my pd to this . Exercise is key.
One thing to do is tie exercise into your day. For example: ALWAYS take stairs instead of the elevator. Park far away from the door, and carry your groceries as much as you can. Every time you talk on the phone, get up and walk (in circles if you have to).
Speaking of walking, find someone to walk with! Join a PD or elder exercise group! (That's what I do and I love it.)
It doesn't have to be running and deadlifts...but imo getting dressed and office work--unless your office is a construction site--is probably not enough.
I loved your response about my office like a construction site lol. I do things like take the stairs and walk when I can My “excuse” is can’t exercise in the morning because my pills take 1.5 to 2 hour to kick in until then I’m too stiff. After work I don’t schedule anything because I never know if I will be “off” as they call it. When I am off I’m nauseous stiff and my right leg doesn’t work well I have a hard time walking. And the apathy is terrible.
if you have hard time finding motivation try reading or listening to Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
There’s some good advice on how to bootstrap your workout. Also join a gym that has classes providing said workouts.
Key is to raise the BDNF in your brain and sustain it for at least 45 mins/day,, Fast walking is great- even cycling,,Mix up the exercise,, also I'm finding stretching on a floor mat helps. Low carbs, low sugar in the diet. take evidence based supplements,,, Good that u keep your day job.
The American Heart Association has a great utube video called 'Three Mile Walk' . It is great for winter weather as you can do it at home. It is good for your brain too as you have different steps and arm movements. There are several variations but the simply ' Three Mile Walk ' one I like best and it is plenty challenging. It lasts just over 40 minutes.
Apathy...yeah. A tough nut to crack. My exercise group is so great here--if I don't show up, I get LOOKS. I don't want LOOKS.
Scour the internet for groups in your area. Join something/anything...underwater basket weaving would work, honestly.