does anyone have trouble with exacerbated symptoms after sex and frequent UTIs? I try to take antibiotics after I have the infection but that seems to make my symptoms worse
sex and UTI: does anyone have trouble... - Cure Parkinson's
sex and UTI

yes, you are not alone!! This is the least discussed area at this forum
Cranberry actually works. Avoid the sugar laden "cranberry cocktail". There are sugar free cranberry concentrates available at Amazon and elsewhere.
" On subgroup analysis, cranberry-containing products seemed to be more effective in several subgroups, including women with recurrent UTIs (RR, 0.53"
In other words, for women with recurrent UTIs, incidence was reduced by half by using cranberry products
This is a very common problem. After you have sex, you need to get up right away and empty your bladder. I know it's a drag to jump up, but you will totally avoid UTI's . The idea is to flush out any bacteria that has been introduced to that area by sex. Always wipe front to back. I used to get them all the time and I haven't had one in years.
This may help your issue :
Ask your doctor if you can take it to make sure it will be compatible with your medications.
I take a few doses of mimosa pudica from microbe formula and that seems to work. It seems to collect all the bacteria up as a stringy mass and drags them all out. Then cloudy wee goes clear again and pain subsides. Take it for a couple of days if you feel it coming on and it seems to stop it getting worse.
My mother now takes D-Mannose and hasn't had a UTI for about a year and a half now.