Hi im very keen, understandably, to try the high dose B1. I took 500mg capsules for three days. Initial results were really good. But I started to feel very unwell. I stopped for a couple of days then ordered 100 mg tablets with hydrochloride. I took one and found my Parkinsons got a lot worse. Hangover symptoms rigidity and anxiety. I take 12.5/50 Madapar x8 30mg douloxatine x 1 and 300 mg x 3 Gabapentin a day. Does anyone know if this is an allergic reaction or just an overdose. I’ve been feeling very Ill for a few days. Im very keen to try again on a much lower dose and I’ve ordered some more B1 without hydrochloride as I read it can cause alergic reactions in some people
b1 therapy : Hi im very keen... - Cure Parkinson's
b1 therapy

Hi there. Some times people need to take a good quality multi Vit to enable the B1 to work properly.
There is likely to be further inf if u do a search.
You should join this Facebook PD B1 Group - lots of helpful information in there plus members will answer your questions too. facebook.com/groups/parkins...
Did you take one 500mg capsule a day or more? You need. 1-2 week break before you restart after an overdose.
Was the 500mg ‘HCL’?
Have you read my book? Have you watched the video?
If you join our Facebook group you will have much more help-
Links to book and video under Guides#2 on Facebook group page.
yes I’ve read your book it makes great sense and very easy to understand. It’s just a bit frightening actually trying to implement it. I had initial good results but after a short time I started to feel unwell. This has got worse and pain and anxiety started. Is it still just the vitamins or an interaction with my meds. I did contact neurology before I started and the doctor said try it if I like. The pills I took were capsules 500mg with Mononitrate. I stopped for a couple of days then ordered B1 100mg with hydrochloride took one and felt even worse. I should have waited two weeks. I did read thiamine with hydrochloride can have an allergic reaction in some people so I ordered 100mg of thiamine with mononitrate as well. I haven’t taken anymore pills for the last 5 days. Without a doctors help it’s going to be scary but as long as I know it’s not going to permanently make my Parkinsons worse I’ll perceive. Like everyone with this I’m excited that there’s something that actually works with amazing results. I exercise eat well no alcohol or dairy all the usual things. Madopar doesn’t seem beneficial at all