Email sent a friend (slightly edited):
The more I read, the more I realize, I don’t understand Parkinson’s—Could my blood pressure problems (heart pounding, rapid beat, high pressure, etc.) be from Parkinson’s? I quit with TTFD because of High Blood Pressure (BP), during a period of reducing my dose (return of symptoms). My doctor has made two changes to my medication for HBP. I recently realized that I was having off-periods before taking my second dose of Carbidopa/Levodopa (C/L) where my BP was high. I changed to taking 1-1/2 (3) times a day from 2-1/2 (2) times a day and it has helped tremendously. It is possible (don’t know how likely), that my HP is due to failure of the autonomic nervous system caused by Parkinson’s (PD) and my unstable fluctuating high blood pressure is a symptom of PD and not caused by the TTFD. And, my extremely high BP was panic attacks (I thought I was going to Die). I was having BP problems before taking TTFD (I had been trying to get my GP to increase my BP meds for over a year) and since C/L helps my BP, BP problems must be due to Parkinson’s.Do I try TTFD again? Knowing now what I didn’t know then. If I do try again it will be at dose before problem occurred (1/3 cap).
Her Reply:
Given the excellent results you had from the TTFD the first time, I think it might be worth another try.
(8/22/22) Day 5 (my attempt at 25) of my homemade 1/2 cap made from 50mg cap of TTFD and after a month of Hell—I feel great, BP has stabilized. Still have a little Tremor—I am not back to day 3 of starting TTFD, which was probably Placebo. I never associate my BP with my PD.