PD induced COPD: does anyone here have... - Cure Parkinson's

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PD induced COPD

beehive23 profile image
22 Replies

does anyone here have parkinsons induced COPD? Im in PD induced chronic respiratory failure Gold Stage 3........GOLD-3: One of the stages of chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), according to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD).

GOLD-3 is stage III in the GOLD classification of COPD and indicates "severe COPD." This stage is characterized by severe airflow limitation or the presence of respiratory failure or clinical signs of right heart failure (because the right side of the heart can no longer pump blood effectively through the lungs and the blood backs up and congests the liver, intestinal tract and limbs.) At this severe stage in COPD, the quality of life is appreciably impaired and exacerbations ( turns for the worse) may be life-threatening. Thank goodness we have assisted suicide in Colorado.

Hang tough.

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beehive23 profile image
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22 Replies
Bolt_Upright profile image

Hang tough Beehive. So are you on oxygen?

beehive23 profile image
beehive23 in reply to Bolt_Upright

no i retain co2 due to lung collapse a isu bipap and oscillating vest.

Feargaire profile image

Hi. Have you investigatd nebulising hydrogen peroxide? I encountered it recently in regardto treqting vural infections. Take a.loom here:



A little background:


bundelino profile image
bundelino in reply to Feargaire

please God no one fining this post is idiotic enough to nebulise hydrogen peroxide for ANY condition whatsoever. It's very corrosive to the lungs, and to those with lung disease, it's lethal. Its a horrible internet myth warned against by CDC and NHS services and health unlocked should be removing these posts, as dangerous misinformation. Please report these posts as soon as you find them

beehive23 profile image
beehive23 in reply to bundelino

i almost died the hospitaal was full i was desperate and...my dr suggested it so report yourself ....and 1 drop of otc h202 in a nebulizer will not fry your lungs so go back to school

bundelino profile image
bundelino in reply to beehive23


That above is from the American Asthma foundation, but of course, you and your snakeoil doctor know better than them so maybe write to them and tell all the professors and specialist consultants how very clever you are.

Hydrogen peroxide doesn't kill viruses in vivo (the living body), because viruses hide inside the body cells and also in places a nebuliser wouldn't reach anyway. You can kill a lot of stuff in vitro (petri dishes) with it, a lot of poisons will kill things in petri dishes - doesn't mean that's safe in the body.

If you had a virus there's a high likelihood your own body's defences eventually defeated it. But here you are touting something you believe cured a virus for a completely different disease - COPD. And not only one disease - COPD is an umbrella term for many diseases so please explain to us all the different ways it works on all those different diseases which range from destruction of lung tissue, to over production of sputum, to widening of the bronchioles and all the rest of the diseases that come under COPD. You don't even understand the action of most of those diseases, let alone the treatments.

Maybe take a look at some research documents into just one aspect of one disease of COPD on something like pubmed and come back and explain all the mathematical and statistical computations and well as the biological terms to us before launching into dangerous recommendations.

There are all kinds of crazy doctors in USA who sell all kinds of snakeoil. But this is from the Asthma society of USA about the dangers of peroxide on the lungs. This is in relation to covid, but crazily it's being touted as a cure for many ills by ignorant people like you who have even less sense than they do medical knowledge.

It is known that hydrogen peroxide damages lung tissue and below is a case where it actually CAUSED lung disease. It's really sad to see hubristic people pushing dangerous practices on so very little knowledge. I hope that people will take notice of the warnings below.



beehive23 profile image
beehive23 in reply to bundelino

my dr 's are at the gov covid recovery clinic far from charlatans...

beehive23 profile image
beehive23 in reply to bundelino

and that was used only in the extreme breakout of covid in small amounts to primarily keep my respirator from accumulating and reinfecting myself .

beehive23 profile image
beehive23 in reply to beehive23

pretty difficult to ignore dr.s advice when your on a respirator...perhaps your soapbox is getting flimsy...try a new one instead of ripping on me.

bundelino profile image
bundelino in reply to beehive23

in that case why are you recommending it for COPD? But in any case you can see from the link from one of the most respected Asthma Societies in the world a DANGER WARNING against it's use.

beehive23 profile image
beehive23 in reply to bundelino

im not a dr....

Feargaire profile image
Feargaire in reply to bundelino

I am sorry you feel so strongly about the use of H202. But that is all you have, a feeling. If possible, please substantiate. Finally, I am surprised that you mention the corrupt CDC, particularly given their misbehaviour in regard to the scandemic.

I, and others, have used this therapy to great effect. I even use 3% to break down stubbornly burried ear wax!

bundelino profile image
bundelino in reply to Feargaire

No I don't just have a feeling. I have provided links from the Asthma society of USA warning against it's use for any breathing treatments, and I have provided a medical, peer reviewed case paper of where using hydrogen peroxide in a nebuliser CAUSED lung disease. Can you not read? The links have been provided for you, All you have to do is follow them.

How about you providing some proper peer reviewed case studies to prove it. I mean from PUBMED, not from some dodgy website for gullible fools. Just think for one moment. A substance that dissolved ear wax. All I ask is for medical proof by what action it can cure lungs that are self-destructing.

Feargaire profile image
Feargaire in reply to bundelino

Read? No...I acquire knowledge osmotically....

Peer reviewed is not always a guarantee of validity.

While I do trove various publications through PubMed and other sources I also pay attention to free access publications such as PLOS, historical evidence and information and the opinions of medically trained who do not agree with what is determined as the 'majority'. To label any medical opinion that does not align with yours or the establishment as that of a snake oil is rather ignorant.

Are you aware of it's historical use?


As to published studies...well, COPD asside there are precious few on nebulised H202.

Finally, as to your statement...

"Just think for one moment. A substance that dissolved ear wax."

Note....3% v/v H202 applies.

Had you read anything about nebulised H2O2 you might see that 0.2% v/v is often employed with a saline solution and in many instances, Ludo's Iodine. Magnitudes of order in difference.,no?!

As to your reference to a conference paper (an image of an incomplete publication) in regard to H202 inhalation causing interstitial lung damage...well, it is meaningless without first establishing the conditions of use. And there cause and effect is certainly not in evidence.

Now I do agree that H2O2 can and does damage tissue, it is entirely dose dependent (again I draw your attention to 3% for ear was and 0.2% with saline for inhalation).

In fact you can quite literally demonstrate tissue damage on cuts

The greater the concentration the greater the tissue damage (as scarring).

Hopefully, you can take a step back from your misplaced confidence in the establishment and in the least pay some regard to other medical professionals who disagree with the majority. Something all should do. Imagine the pain the world might have avoided had this been exercised. These past three years of pseudo-Science based decisions could have been avoided and the CONVID narrative decimated before it ever had the opportunity to create death and destruction.

JayPwP profile image

beehive23 I don't want to sound insensitive but I have been reading about your desperate situation and always marvelled at your positivity.

I implore you to start focussed intentional deep breathing throughout the day with whatever remaining lung capacity you have. I have complete faith that you will recover within a month.

Anyways death is bound to happen, then why not die trying, why not die doing something, which is better than dying without doing anything.

Don't try any fancy breath counts, from this moment on, just take and release each breath as deep as you can through the nose, and let nature do its job. No mouth breathing.

beehive23 profile image
beehive23 in reply to JayPwP

i do yoga and focused breathing daily and pulmonary rehab 3 times a week and now hospice helps alot. just turned my 02 up to 3 liters....thanks for the suggestion! hang tough.

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to beehive23

I know it is easy for me to give advice since I am not in your position.

My only intention is for you to get well.

You will have to do atleast 5 sessions of one hour each only for deep breathing every day, and more if possible.

I am sure that you will recover from COPD but efforts are required.

beehive23 profile image
beehive23 in reply to JayPwP

ill try to step it up..tHanks for the advice. im in late stasge pd induced respiratory failure and heart failure....late stage........ started 20 yrs ago..my lungs are healthey and so is heart just rigid chest wall muscles and paralysis of the diaphragms. hang tough.

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to beehive23

I understand and I am sorry. I will pray for you.

Please try to reach 5 sessions of one hour each per day and more if possible

JayPwP profile image


JayPwP profile image

Pranayam for Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Results From a Randomized, Controlled Trial


Feargaire profile image

I noticed others mentioning focused breathing. Have you ever encountered the Buteyko method? Perhaps it might help alleviate aspects and allow some level of control.......


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