is anyone here struggling with MRSA around you dbs wire/skull drill site?
DBS and MRSA: is anyone here struggling... - Cure Parkinson's

Are you dealing with MRSA? Praying for you.
no just the apo and botox.....very close long timer pd friend battling...mrsa relentlessly.....trying to get more info as certain docs push dbs on me ...nosocomial infections aree corroded leads etc. i refuse to do dbs. just reaching out for info on behalf of late stage pd'er.... hang tough boltupright...cheers....
Thanks. I will pray for your friend then. BTW, I don't know what your avatar is. It looks like a Samurai or Bushido Knight. It always makes me think of this awesome Nico and Vinz music video:
I'm with you totally agree won't do it barbaric lying there awake while somebody cuts your headopen sounds Victorian to me
Where is the MRSA located? On the scalp or somewhere else?
scalp around the dime sized holes and in along the leads a bit. waxes and wanes....
Two that can be effective for MRSA are colloidal silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and grapefruit seed extract (GSE). Both are potent antimicrobials that kill MRSA. One of the reasons that MRSA is so hard for antibiotics to kill, aside from bacterial resistance is because it can develop biofilms which protect the bacteria from the bodies natural defense mechanisms and antibiotics. Both AgNPs and GSE have biofilm disrupting activities which can break down the biofilms and then kill the bacteria. GSE is available in a liquid form that can be diluted with distilled water and sprayed directly on the scalp regularly until the MRSA is eradicated. It can also be made into a drink for oral consumption for internal MRSA issues.
AgNPs are significantly more expensive and better reserved as a backup in case the GSE is not effective enough by itself. Here is a typical brand of GSE that I use :
GSE and AgNPs are also useful against Covid-19 as I have previously written about on the forum. GSE is also available in capsules, but I find the liquid more effective in my experience.
ok tried colloidal silver but not the grapeseed thank you! cheers!
Grape seed extract is a different product more noted for its potent antioxidant activity. Grapefruit seed extract is more noted for its potent antimicrobial activity.
This study says tea tree oil is effective, also you need to treat nasal cavity or it can come back —
Beehive, they are really pushing DBS these days. I’m not comfortable with the idea either. I feel like now it’s the second resort instead of the very very last resort. But I know people I’ve had good luck with it but it’s scary.
Consider weak solution of hydrogen peroxide 3% food grade diluted to 1%.apply using a cotton bud to avoid getting into eyes.

months at a time picc line antibiotics..very brutal hard to keep sterile...thank you for the suggestion!
Bee propolis has been reputed to be effective against mrsa. I knew a case where it worked a few years ago. You can take propolis tablets and we use a propolis cream (not for mrsa)
what do you think of a propolis poultice?
I have no experience with a poultice . We are big fans of the cream which we get from forever living products and use for all manner of skin problems . But both a cream and poultice will have limited penetration if the infection has followed the wires. The tablets would probably be useful too.
Here in France propolis is quite mainstream. I recently had some propolis honey and lemon throat lozenges from the pharmacy