I am not new to this site - I read it most days, but this is the first time I have posted on it. I was diagnosed with PD 17 years ago and have always been told not to have the yearly flu vaccine. The Doctors in New Zealand are saying that the flu will strike us even worse than omicron/ delta. Does anyone have any information for me? Thanks for your time. BeD
Flu Vaccine or not?: I am not new to this... - Cure Parkinson's
Flu Vaccine or not?

Who has been telling you not to have it and what was their rationale?
It wouldn't surprise if NZ/Aus was hit particularly hard with the flu this year after two years of border closures and basically no flu.
A bad case of the flu in combination with PD sounds like hell on earth to me. Even a cold now knocks me around far more than it used to before PD became evident.
I was in the UK until 2010. It was there that I was told by Health Professionals that PD people could be affected by the live virus and also the aluminium that was in the vaccine. Yes because of the strict border controls the Health Professionals think that they will be overrun with the flu in the next couple of months.
flu shots do NOT contain live virus nor do they contain aluminum. Not sure where they got their info. I know they are dead virus vaccines in the US.
Hi, we are in NZ too and have never been told not to have the flu vaccine. My husband has PD and has the flu vaccine each year, you do not want to be struck down with the flu on top of PD. And yes, last year NZ had only a handful of flu cases in the whole country and they are expecting it to hit hard this flu season, especially now as our borders are opening up again. The vaccine does not contain a live component or aluminium. I find it very hard to believe that a health professional would advise you not to have the vaccine. Very few people cannot have it, for example having had an anaphylaxis reaction to a previous one, which is rare. Here is the link to the details of the flu vax available this year . Your regular GP will give you good advice.
I don't think the flu season north of the equator was bad this winter. I've never had a flu shot. Don't regret it and don't fear it. I'm with you, don't remember when I last had the flu, at least 20 years.
Funny thing, when immunization programs were disrupted 2 years ago, flu cases all but disappeared. Why? Because if closing borders and businesses and lockdowns worked on influenza than why didn't it work on the vid? I get my info from James Lyons-Wheeler. Look him up.
Efficacy is low. Complications are real. In my final analysis risk is greater than the reward. Your body - your choice, though. I think you should read the opinions of Dr. L-W to balance the information you're getting.
"Funny thing, when immunization programs were disrupted 2 years ago, flu cases all but disappeared. Why?"
Because global physical mobility ground to a halt for 2 years and all levels of infection control increased exponentially?
It's not feasible long term for Australia or New Zealand to have lockdowns or border closures and the end of those arrangements are expected (by experts) to see a significant uptick in flu activity this coming winter.
And a quick google reveals that James Lyons-Weiler should be ignored unless you are already an anti vaxxer.
I get you, everyone lived in a bubble. Sweden was the rock star. These things run their course. Start support for your immune system now. Not getting into a pissing match.
My mother never had a flu vaccine till she was 87. Her doctor advised her to have the vaccine. Two years later she died from vaccine complications! Never had a flu vaccine myself and never will, just like I will NEVER get the COVID vaccine. No one can force me to commit suicide.
I also had a relative die from the flu vaccine according to my mother. Recommend to get some high strength Vitamin D3 and K2 for the winter months. My wife and I do this l. She's jabbed, me not and both have avoided the gain of function virus
thanks for the info
This is blowing up on the Twitter feed in the U.S. - Life insurance companies were taking huge losses from the unexpected increase in deaths of young people with big life insurance policies. Now if a person is determined to have died from complications of the COVID vaccine, their life insurance benefits will not be paid out, it's an experimental treatment and is excluded from coverage. You know insurance companies will aggressively pursue cause of death. Our government is in deep 💩
Vaccine injury is preventable. I don't know how you undo a vaccine after the fact.
I practice the precautionary principal and my family won't be uncompensated guinea pigs. If I have to waive my right to sue for damages outside of the kangaroo vaccine court, then I'm not participating in the experiment. This is true for all vaccines. It's insane that doctor's and lawyers would choose to forfeit this right.
Whatever you choose it will be the right choice for you.
I have my flue vaccine every year and thank gods for it. Flue used to hit me like a ton of bricks with endless chest infections and all my symptoms enhanced by it...happy i have the vaccine. Its a personal decision but between two weeks at least of exacerbated shakes,.pains and weakness and just dealing with my PD i choose the last.
Since you asked, I 'd say that you got good advice. I am 75 and don't ever get the flu shot and have not gotten the flu since I was an adolescent. Now my siblings who are all older than me get the flu shot regularly and they always get the flu - go figure. I choose to build up my own immune system with healthy food and supplements as ALL vaccines are drugs and come with risks and some can be serious.
But scientists never know what flu variant will be out there. They only guess and there are hundreds so the chances of it having any benefit is negligible. Unfortunately vaccine manufacturing has become a profitable business and they are the only corporations that are not held accountable for any damages caused by their products.
I am reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. book, The Real Anthony Fauci. and it reveals the pervasive web of deep financial entanglements between Pharma and the government health agencies. The CDC, for example, owns 57 vaccines patents and spends $4.9 of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget (as of 2019) buying and distributing vaccines. You don't have to imagine much to see the conflict of interest.
But beware, FEAR is the enemy's tool to divide us and control us. Whatever, you should possess the FREEDOM to make your own informed decision and not be coerced or forced to receive any vaccine or medical intervention. God Bless!
For me, it's a no-go. Especially considering that Parkinson's made it onto the following list: Dr. Judy Mikovits Goes Nuclear on the Pharmaceutical Industry: