I've read the horror stories of those quitting PD medications. I stopped Rytary one week ago. I've noticed already that my left arm tremor is worse. But the convergence problem is better. The symptom is seeing two images that won't come together into one. I had this years before the PD diagnosis. I would tape one eye closed to read or for jogging outdoors. Initially the convergence problem seemed better with the Rytary but when I quit taking it the double vision didn't recur. I see the neuro sometime this month for a botox injection so I'll ask her about this. Is it possible the Rytary was causing the convergence problem??? I stopped the Rytary because of constipation, I'll also ask her about Lynzess,, a medication used for people who require narcotics. I'm still taking Memantine.
I've stopped Rytary.: I've read the horror... - Cure Parkinson's
I've stopped Rytary.

Hi there! Have read your blog. My husband sees his movement disorder doctor for Botox injections in his jaw to stop drooling. Very successful!
If he passes Urology exam, he will have botox in his urethra. Parkinson’s sometime creates “spastic urinary urges”. Botox is supposed to decrease constant urine. We’ll see!
A concern is why you are taking Memantine? This is used for dementia/ahlzheimers.
My husband was on Amantadine for movement, but found out it increases memory issues. His psychotherapist put him on Memantine for about 3 months. Worse move ever! He is now weaned off both medicines. Now he wears an Exelon patch for memory.
I hope you have someone in attendance with you when you see your pd docs??
Best regards, Parkie Wife