I heard or read somewhere a long time ago: That the environment in which a person gets sick cannot be the environment in which he will recover. When I say environment, I mean the environment in general, friends, colleagues, and even family. Epigenetics has shown how much the environment has a strong influence on our genes. What do you think about that?
Environment: I heard or read somewhere a... - Cure Parkinson's
If the environment includes toxic substances caused the Parkinson's in the first place then I agree.
If we look to psychological elements of ‘our environment’ as an influence of our health or dis-ease then we must accept that it is more a question of how we react to our environment, than the environment as such. We can learn to be aware of how we react and try to chose to react in a way that is more healthy for us. It’s not easy but so worth giving it a go! I’m still working on it!
strongly agree especially streessful environments, some things you cannot ignore.
"the environment in which a person gets sick cannot be the environment in which he will recover" love this!
We need to address all of these: physical, emotional, and spiritual.
The physical environment includes lifestyle.
The emotional environment is healing past trauma and letting go of toxic relationships.
And the spiritual environment is practicing gratitude and adopting an optimistic attutude.
There is new research on ketamine patches for Parkinson's and....ALS.
I'm going to keep banging on this drum, they are related neurological injuries. Parkinson's is on the ALS spectrum along with Alzheimer's. Neurotoxins are simply not that selective.
Genes load the gun - environment pulls the trigger.