Looking for alternative therapy to support healing. Please share your thoughts on this article. Turn on Lights to Stop Neurodegeneration.
Has anyone tried Infrared Therapy? - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone tried Infrared Therapy?

I use my far infrared Jade stone heating pad all the time. You can find it on eBay or Amazon. The far infrared increases your Chi. You can set it on real low. I have a small heating pad and you can either lie on it or put it over an area that has pain or discomfort.
I also bought near infrared sauna. I don't have enough of space in the house for it so I set it up in my shower. It's kind of a lot of trouble to go to so I have only used it a few times. it felt wonderful when I was sitting there. It is made of 200w red heating bulbs, the kind you would find in a restaurant.
I've been using the Richway Bio Mat for several years and love it. As long as I'm sitting on it, I can skip my carbadopa/levadopa. The AMA even gave it their seal of approval as a medical advice. I would recommend this to anyone unless they're pregnant or have a pacemaker. That's encouraging that the Jade pads work too since they're considerable less expensive than RichWay's pads.
Look in my profile then access the posts on this issue. Much discussion and I’ll be willing to answer any questions you may have privately
We have had a far infrared sauna since 2012. We kind of got out of the habit of using it. Since both my husband and I test high for lead and cadmium, we have been working on sweating out those as well as all the toxins in agent orange. We also have an ozone sauna that we use for the same purpose. My husband uses a near infrared nose clip, as well.
Thanks for the helpful information. I lost track of this post until now.
I found a practitioner near me who does amazing work with autistic and disabled children, I'm a little out of place. Parents will try almost anything to help their children, not so much for adults.
I found that the nir light therapy and TENs improved my sleep. The vibration plate is passive exercise and I lost 10 pounds, which scared me because I didn't notice and with ALS it can be a sign of progression. I've gained it all back.
I noticed with the sauna that my affected side got worse, weaker and more limping and I got sick from overheating. My autonomic dysfunction makes life hard. I need to have detox supplements on board before I do this again.
I haven't been keeping up like I should, some of the equipment I have at home but it's a lot of work for me somedays, I'd rather have someone pamper me for an hour 😊 Thanks for the nudge to get back on track.