My neurologist started me on one half a pill oh CL. Twice a day to determine if I have Parkinson's. How many days does it usually take to determine that. Does anyone have the same experience?
C/L to determine Parkinson's : My... - Cure Parkinson's
C/L to determine Parkinson's

Hi Smittybear:
You will probably know 30-60 minutes after your first tablet, since your tremor or bradykinesia will probably disappear if you have Parkinson's (I am assuming you have one or both of these symptoms).

Tremors and rigidity weakness on right side,occasional freezing I'm tired. Day 2 still having tremors and the same issues. I was told that I should see improvement by day 3-5 if it is Parkinson's. Did yours improve after the first dose?
As far as I can remember, yes.
Note I think the levodopa test can only support a diagnosis of Parkinson's, but if you "fail" the test it does not necessarily mean you don't have it.

I noticed an improvement almost immediately but many members have reported that it took days or longer to feel the benefits/effects.
Let us know the results.
Of course, half a tablet my not be a therapeutic dose to get you over the line?
I thought that this use of levodopa was frowned upon by many medics. It is called the "Levodopa Challenge". But, it seems sensible to me.
One of the things that can happen with dopamine replacement therapies is that there is a threshold effect. You start with a low dose of CL, but this has no obvious impact on your symptoms. However, when you increase the dose there is a good effect. The threshold varies from person to person depending on what you eat, your weight, the time since your symptoms first started, etc.. As others have said, if there is to be a response for this dose, it is likely to be within 90 minutes.
Levodopa has a short half-life (about 90 minutes) so the effects don't accumulate from day to day. (Some people argue that there is also a long duration response to levodopa, but this is not going to be a factor here.)
A half pill (50 mg of levodopa) is in my opinion a sensible initial dose. But, if it doesn't work, and if you have no problems with nausea, increasing the dose to 100 mg for the first dose of the day is worth trying.
So if there is a short half-life of 90 minutes, I have read in many areas that C/L can have a stacking affect? Do you think that’s true?
Depends on the frequency of dosing and whether you are using immediate release or controlled-release. See charts of plasma levels versus time here:
I've been taking B1 1000mg should I continue about those since I started c/l? Should I take it at the same time as the c/l?
Doctor Costantini, the originator of the high-dose thiamine protocol, says they should both be taken. I have been taking both since I started taking thiamine some years ago. As to exact timing of the doses, as far as I know they do not interfere with each other so you can take them together or separately.
Yes. I think stacking occurs. Let's look at two cases.
The first case is a matter of pharmacokinetics (what the body does to the drug). Let's assume TMAX=60 minutes and THALF=90 minutes. And consider a person on a dose of 100 mg IR levodopa, taken 4 times per day at 0700, 1100, 1500, 1900. At 0700 he is 12 hours past his last dose, That's nearly 8 half-lives, so almost no levodopa is left when he takes the first dose of the day. At 0800 he maxes out at CMAX. At 1100 he has gone through two half lives, leaving a quarter of the dose (25 mg) left for the next cycle. He will max out at the equivalent of 1.25*CMAX. Each dose during the day has an increasing head start.
The second case is when the levodopa is not absorbed as expected, perhaps due to protein or fat in the diet, or a lack of gastric emptying. Here, the levodopa builds up in the stomach, where it is not absorbed.
This is a simplification. Many PwP will still be producing some levodopa naturally (endogenous) and have dopamine reservoirs (vesicles). These will tend to smooth out the flow.
Often C/L increases the tremors in my left hand..?
I found that C/L actually makes my tremors worse only because it is a mild stimulant. It may not be a good indicator if you have it or not. Didn’t they do a full physical work up on you?
Hi Smitty, I wondered the same thing in my recent post, if it was a all or nothing medication. I was up to 1/2 tablet 3x a day for almost a month with no change or improvement in my motor symptoms, not even a small one. Having no positive reaction whatsoever scared me. It would be wonderful if I didn’t have PD, but I sure as heck don’t want anything worse. Good luck to you. Keep us posted
I responded dramatically at 1/2 pill three times a day. My symptoms were very mild, if it weren't for the toe curling (foot dystonia) I probably wouldn't have started at that point. Try eating a small bite of a carb with it (like a saltine cracker) to see if it helps with nausea. If you get no response, increase the dose gradually until a) your symptoms improve, or b) they get worse, in which case you may be a non-responder. Good luck, and patience.
This is why there is a healthcare crisis right now. Because of these types of choices doctors and insurance companies make. Why not a PET scan?
I felt some tremor reduction after few months of levodoba if I'm not stressed (3 or 4x100/25 a day).
Half pills twice a day made no difference. When I progressed up to 3 pills a day (C/L) all of my symptoms went away!
First 2 days didn't notice any difference. Today I woke up with usual tremors. As the day went on seems they got worse. Been nauseated all 3days within a half hour of taking the meds. With food each time. I'm also very irritable today. When you went to 3 times a day was that with 1/2 or whole pills? Thanks for your help.
No protein with c/l.
It was explained to me that the nausea is caused by the dopamine not getting through the barrier to your brain, the carpodepa(C part of C/L) is what allows it to do that and it took till I was taking a whole pill 3xdaily to get to that. I still have nausea sometimes in the morning so take a domperidone with that dose
If I am not taking C/L after recently eaten, I eat 1/4 of a full graham cracker (a soda cracker also will work) to avoid nausea, and I have never experienced nausea. Recently, I read that the yellow dye used in the manufacture of the tablets may be the culprit. Not sure about that or what can be done about the yellow dye, but a little cracker snack is easy to take along with some water.
After a year and half of putting up with tremor & bradykinesea, tried one tablet 3x daily did nothing for me. Tried 2 tabs, immediate good effect. Settled on 1.5 for first couple years. Now after 4 years (presumably still in "honeymoon") back to 2 tab 3x daily.
I knew immediately. My body was 99% normal. I felt good. This was short lived of course as many of us have expirienced. Then there is stage 2.
Hey, My husband was under 50 and his diagnosis was questionable...too young, not hereditary comments. He was given Levodopa/Carbidopa to "test" to see if he showed improvement which would indicate Parkinson's. I don't remember the dose, however, I don't think that his GP gave him enough for long enough. He didn't show a huge improvement so they ruled out Parkinson's which led to four years of untreated Parkinson's which was a horrible experience. He missed much of the "honeymoon" phase where meds work pretty good to control symptoms. It was a nightmare to be honest. Just our experience.