Husband just diagnosed with Parkinson’s dementia starting on Rivastigmine has anyone seen an improvement in their PD symptoms as well as dementia symptoms ?
Rivastigmine : Husband just diagnosed with... - Cure Parkinson's

Yes, hubby just started Exelon. His cognition and speech were better very soon after, and it seems to me that he’s walking better as well. (He doesn’t have tremor). How is it going for your husband?
As you know all Parkinson’s patients are different. My HWP has been taking it for a year. 12 mg a day. Have not really seen a change although I wasn’t convinced he needed it when it was prescribed to him.
Can't tell you,?. Started Rivastigmine 2 years ago and don't know the difference, and do not know how to compare, i'm afraid to just stop, then what?.
My Dad was put on Rivastigmine by his consultant. He was on the lowest dose to start off with, and we did notice a difference straight away. After awhile he was put on to the next dose. We were amazed in how it helped him, and mentally he was always with us ( except for when he had urine infections ) right up until he passed away. We thought it was a miracle drug. But that said not everyone reacts the same to medications.
My husband was diagnosed with Lewy Body dementia initially. Levodopa didn’t seem to do anything. Eventually he was put on the Neupro patch. Within a few weeks he was rediagnosed with Parkinson’s. Cognitively he was back to normal. He actually had extreme apathy , which vanished with the patch.
That worked for a number of years. When it stopped working, the neurologist again thought dementia. We then tried mannitol. Within days he was back to normal. He has been really well for 18 months, but I can now see him slipping again. We are trying the infrared Light Coronet, which our neurologist said has worked well for some of his patients. See Zella23’s posts.
My HWP has been on Exelon for almost 2 years. We were told this will not reverse or cure the dementia but help slow down the progression of dementia.
Husband has young on-set PD. Fast forward 20 years later. Dementia diagnosed 6 months ago. Is on Exelon. No noticeable improvement. Remembers people and dates. Cannot remember how to sit, eat, etc. Can only respond to simple commands. Wonder how to close to “end” stage?
Is he by chance insulin resistant? Have you tried dietary interventions? Obviously not a cure but if his brain can use more ketones and less glucose it could potentially help his cognition. If you and he are interested, MCT oil is a good starting place.
I use 1 tablespoon of MCT oil daily when not traveling.
Slowly easing towards a plant based keto diet could might be really helpful.
Dr. Will Cole
Ginkgo or Vinpocetine are said to increase blood flow to the brain. I use Vinpocetine.
You might want to look in to bacopa and coffee fruit extract.
Ambroxol (available and OTC) is being trialed for PD and ALZ. I am using it. You might want to look in to it. Many posts on here about it.
I’m young onset too. I’m trying to not go through each day weighed down by fear but knowing the typical trajectory, it’s hard not to.
May I ask how old your husband is? When did his symptoms start? My signs of low dopamine, RLS etc started at 35.
You have my compassion and empathy. ❤️

He was 38 when first diagnosed. May had it earlier? Mother said he was always slow moving! Not insulin resistant. Only medically thing wrong according to doctors is PD. Will try recommendations. Thanks!