Stomach jumps and heart rate increase - Cure Parkinson's

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Stomach jumps and heart rate increase

Vincenso profile image
21 Replies

Hello maybe someone can help with advice or are experiencing somthing similar. Time to time when I stand up from sitting position or also after food when I stand up my stomach like jump or feels like kick and feels like everything go up in chest and my heart start beat very fats and in my neck on side can see my pulse. Feels like chest tightened and it can lats up to 40 to 50 minutes and then sadanly just stop. Tike when I able to get yo emergency episode is finished and electro cardiogram shows fine. Its so scary maybe some one cab relate

Thank you

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21 Replies
park_bear profile image

"Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a blood circulation disorder characterized by two factors:

A specific group of symptoms that frequently occur when standing upright

A heart rate increase from horizontal to standing (or as tested on a tilt table) of at least 30 beats per minute in adults, or at least 40 beats per minute in adolescents, measured during the first 10 minutes of standing"

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to park_bear

I was thinking about that to be honest aswel bcs I have other symptoms what listed there but how to get doctor to chevk this out?I even started wearing compression socks for few days now Thank you for your reply I appreciate

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Vincenso

Find a neuro-cardiologist office with a tilt table.

Which meds are you taking?

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to park_bear

I dont take any meds bcs I'm not diagnosed with POTS. I will have to try to find where I can be checked out for this. Dont know what to think anymore. Feeling tired and light headed and also it's scary when it happening.

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Vincenso

Which Parkinson's meds are you taking?

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to park_bear

I don't take any medication

park_bear profile image
park_bear in reply to Vincenso


An alternative to the tilt table is to have a cardiologist wire you up with one of these:

If the current doctor is not taking you seriously then it is time to find another.

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to park_bear

Yea I'm thinking to change bcs this is not normal and as I siad I'm waiting on holter monitor already fir 5 weeks now hopefully soon I will get it but I'm not sure it will detect any changes as my episods don't happen every day .I have notes written down every episods with dates and details there was gap 2 weeks in between them and then sadanly last week I got 2 episods in one week its was terrible. Took me 1 week more to try to relax after Thank you very much for your advice

Resano profile image
Resano in reply to Vincenso

Have you considered a possible thiamine deficiency ? If not, do not miss: « The Thiamine Connection: from POTS to Wernicke’s and Everything in Between »

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to Resano

Hello thanks for your reply and advice. I'm taking all vitamin and magnesium and b complex and my diet is healthy aswel. But there is no changes. My blood tests show everything good and hormon test aswll I don't know what is going on.its started after I got covid January end.i used to train jiu jitsu 6 times a week my lifestyle very healthy but now I feel miserable

Jana86 profile image
Jana86 in reply to Vincenso

If you have had COVID, this may not be related to PD at all. What you describe can be a system of "long haul" COVID, your immune system continues to fight something that actually isn't there anymore. Have you been vaccinated? My family members who have had COVID and "long haul" symptoms report that these symptoms go away when fully vaccinated. If they do not, find a center for respiratory illness that is working with COVID patients. Good luck..I have seen in my own family how debilitating this can be.

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to Jana86

Hey I'm fully vaccinated long time ago and my first vaccine I got 2 days before I got diagnose with covid in January. So literally I got my vaccine when I had covid just didn't know I'm having it.and then second dose February end.its terrible How I feel and don't exactly know what is going on.Thank you for your reply

Jana86 profile image
Jana86 in reply to Vincenso

The symptoms you describe may also be afib...your heart rhythm goes out of whack and then returns to normal on its own...Unless you have a heart attack, there could be no trace of it at the ER. Do you have a cardiologist? Afib symptoms can also bring about anxiety symptoms. Basically, I strongly encourage you to get additional testing soon.

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to Jana86

I'm waiting for holter monitor already 5 weeks bcs I was thinking that it could be a fib but I never heard that a fib can last just 40 min I heard it last much longer floor days abd also when it happened I try to check my pulse in neck its was very fast but regular I don't know. I was in long covid clinic lsdt Friday they took bloods and did ECG which was normal as always and order hokter monitor and doctor said he maybe will send me to cardiologist but not sure yet ahd I have to go back in 7 weeks time. I realy don't know what to think. My ECHO is done in emergency and my heart looks very healthy and blood flows good doctor said. I have notes when my episode happen like I said its always when happen when I stand up from siting and after food usually

Jana86 profile image
Jana86 in reply to Vincenso

I have afib and a pacemaker as a result. Afib can last for 2 seconds or 40 minutes or a whole day. I can have 10 episodes in a day and then nothing for a week. Unless the tech "catches" it, it won't show up on a brief echo or EKG. The halter monitor is the right test..I hope they get back to you soon.

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to Jana86

What your symptoms are if u don't mind me to ask?Thank you

Jana86 profile image
Jana86 in reply to Vincenso

For very brief episodes, there are no symptoms. My pacemaker tracks each one, or I wouldn't know it was happening. For the worst, it starts with a tightness in the midline of my chest. Begins to hurt to take a deep breath. I sometimes feel nauseated, break out in a cold sweat, my heart beats too quickly or very slowly. Within 5 minutes, I have trouble breathing...have learned to sit down and take slow, even breaths and that helps. It can pass in a few minutes or longer...

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to Jana86

Thanks for sharing your experience I hope you get better soon

Jana86 profile image
Jana86 in reply to Vincenso

You too. I hope you find an answer quickly.

Resano profile image

Please note that we are talking of high dose thiamine at astronomical levels from 500 mg up to 4000 mg. This said, I am afraid common blood tests may be misleading and cannot detect B1 deficiency:

"Erythrocyte Transketolase: The Test of Choice for Assessing Thiamine Deficiency"

Vincenso profile image
Vincenso in reply to Resano

Oh okI need somehow get tested before I start taking high dose if vitamin to be sure its safe.

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