I found this article to be an interesting read, so I’m posting the link here in hopes that others might as well.
Article: Could all the experts be wrong a... - Cure Parkinson's
Article: Could all the experts be wrong about Parkinson's?

Interesting. Thanks.
Very interesting. Clinical trial?
The OP states PWP produce near-normal levels of dopamine. And take a drug that elevates dopamine to toxic levels? That's too radical to be believed. But history shows many cases where the world took the wrong path initially; A good example is Semelweis, an Austrian doctor in the late 1800's. He proved illness was caused by infection. He showed disease could be prevented by washing one's hands. The idea was so radical that when he presented his theory in conferences it led to screaming fits and even fist-fights. The world KNEW that pus was necessary for healing to occur. Without pus the patient died. The idea that doctors were causing the disease with their bare hands was impossible to believe. Eventually Dr Lister and others proved him true.
My DAT scan shows deterioration of the substantia nigra pars compacta. So I take Rytary. But what is causing deterioration and what might prevent or reverse it? Could Rytary be sending the wrong signals, telling the body that my dopamine levels are too high and need to be lowered?
If I asked my doctor about this I imagine she'll pat me on my back and tell me not to worry so much.
I think the paradigm of Parkinson's SYNDROME is all wrong.
I had my neurotransmitters tested - dopamine was below the level of detection yet my DATScan was negative. I have recently learned that low dopamine levels leads to insulin resistance. The smoking gun is the hypothalamus, which is selectively targeted by organophosphate poisons - glyphosate is the OP of our time.
I've come to regard synthetic levodopa to be in the same category as levothyroxine, toxic to the body. It is not the equivalent of natural sources.
We need to focus our efforts on healing our brain not masking symptoms if we are to have any success with recovery.