So I have a recheck appt with the neuro in two days. My wife says the doctor will redouble her efforts to get me on Sinemet. My argument is it makes me feel dizzy and unfocussed. It takes away any desire to exercise. I found old videos of me that show the tremor was there in June, 2017. And nothing has changed in that time. No worsening of the tremor, no other signs have developed.
Arguing with doctors?: So I have a recheck... - Cure Parkinson's
Arguing with doctors?

Sinemet is strictly for symptom relief. If it makes you worse instead of better there is no reason to take it.
My experience, You can not argue with a young female doctor. They take it personally, and consider it an attack on them. The doctors that I have had that were female all went strictly by the book, no mitigating circumstance or individual exception .
Yes , this is sexist and also true. They believe all grumpy old man are their worst nightmare and have set up shields long before you enter the building. You say all women are not the same, well if they are doctors they sure seem to be. Unlike a male doctor they become furious if you address them in anyway other than doctor, question their diagnoses, refer to any other source of information or suggest your own diagnoses or ignore their"Wellness program "
I am not against women doctors . Approximately 50% of the worlds population is female (except in China) and they deserve a female doctor if they so desire. Which brings us back to you. You will know when the time is right to do something else. If the PD medication does not make things better then you do not have PD. Good Luck, stand for what you believe regardless.
When you say, "my argument..." sounds like you need to actually make a case.
When my health is in a condition that might be eligible for pharmaceuticals, I ask my doctors if they have any suggestions. If they do, I say, "Thank you for the suggestion. I'll think about it." I then go back and research it and if I want to try it, I call back and ask for a prescription.
If sinamet makes you sick you should try something different if you need symptom relief. There are other options like azilect, sifrol, controlled release madapor etc.
I expect she will ask you if you’ve given the sinamet a fair go though as it seems to be the most common treatment available and I think most people get used to it.
As you read on this site, different drugs affect people differently. She would know this. None stop the disease’s progress. Levadopa did nothing for my husband. He had extreme apathy. The Neupro Patch changed that. Now it’s mannitol.
Our neurologist is very open minded. . There have been many mentioned on this site who aren’t. If you are not happy with her, find another. Would be good if he/she could come recommended.
Good luck,
Have you considered another way of dealing with your Pd, one that works and costs nothing?I have had Pd symptoms since 1963 and have been Pd-medication-free since 2002.
If you want to know more then contact me at and I will send you my videos and a lot of valuable information to help you, free of charge.