Beyond exercise, What are people having success with when battling parkinson's disease and essential tremors?
Hi, New guy here;: Beyond exercise, What... - Cure Parkinson's
Hi, New guy here;

1:1 THC /CBD cream on my lower spine, and knees has very much reduced the pain which allows me to be much more mobile and that reduces stress, which has reduced severity of the PD.
Welcome! I have found this forum to be a helpful resource with many caring, knowledgeable people sharing many helpful tips. As you probably know, Parkinson’s Disease affects people very differently, so what works for one person may not work for you. I just started taking sinemet, which has been helpful. I still take several supplements, but the only one I'm certain is of value to me is a B complex with a particularly high dose of B12. I also take vitamins B1, B3, and D. I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago and am now 58. I have no resting tremors. A helpful profile to read is that of MBANDERSON. Click the link below to be redirected.
High dose B12? How much you take and which form?
I take a multivitamin product called "SuperMethyl-HP" from Apex Energetics. I buy it from my chiropractor who recommended it. One serving consists of two capsules. One serving contains 1,000 micrograms of Vitamin B12, which is 41,667% of the recommended daily allowance. It also contains Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Magnesium, and Choline. If I could take only one supplement, this would be the one. It relieves neuropathy in my right arm, makes me feel more energetic, and reduced my homocysteine levels.
Research copaiba and palo santo essential oil ....must be used with a carrier oil topically....tart cherries,fireweed honey, black grapes and warmed goat milk may help
I suggest you find a neurologist, or even better a Movement Disorder Clinic, and take their advice. They have vast experience from treating hundreds of patients.
marijuana, meditation, friends but they dissapear, family but they dissapear, mindfull living practices, beng loved and touched.........pretend your not diseased..............meditate, ......stop facebook and listen to music, isolation , so trumplicans dont spit on you, Atheism, isolation, things like love and kindness dissapear. hide who and waht you are..give more than you take...............cheers............welcome to the group
Welcome to this forum. Lots of advice. Research PD n become kowledgable. We are all diferent and no remedy suits all. Be kind to yourself, life is still beautiful. Be open to new things challenge yourself.
Personally i take mannitol, high dose thiamine washed down with conntrolled release madopar. Also take turmeric and cuq10 I also retired early and moved to rural france from London - a great stress release.
Gd luck and rememer to exercise daily.
Exercise is really the way to go. Check out the Pedaling for Parkinson's website. you can cut your symptoms 35% by just riding bike at 80-90 rpm three hours a week. Rocksteady boxing, Dance for PD, tai chi, and even fast walking are really helpful.
High-dose thiamine has helped me and many other Parkinson's patients. See:
Qigong has helped me quite a bit, but it takes dedication and is not for everybody:
I concur. no two Parkies are exactly alike. I wasn't diagnosed until I was into my 70's. I only have action tremors, for example: when I hold a fork, tremor... as soon as I relax my hand, the tremor stops. High dose thiamine has been a game changer. I am much more sure footed. I use infrared sauna at 140 degrees for 25 min. 4 or 5 times a week. I feel i am getting rid of toxins thru my skin. I'm into Urban Poling. and I have a WBV machine to keep my lymph system moving, and to do exercises on like 5 reps of 20 squats. Sinemet made me barf. So I don't take it but m drug of choice is Amantadine... it gives me so much more energy.
Does WBV refer to a whole body vibration machine? I was considering getting one for my husband, but there are so many different types and models. Which one do you use?
Hi Purple_Catts, Yes Whole Body Vibration I'll include a link to a post on my blog where you can see mine. Not all are created equal. I have the benefit of Admi Fitness Pro / Action Fit Pro model. It has a nice sized platform and hand grips extending out on both sides which I think is valuable for balance issues. When I went to therapy, they had a much smaller vibration platform with a little round grip right in front. I prefer the tri- planer platform over the oscillating platform. Tri-planar platforms have a smaller range of motion than oscillating platforms, but they operate at higher speeds. Vibration trainers with tri-planar platforms are effective at improving muscle mass and bone density, but they tend to be pricier because they are larger and heavier. I have osteoporosis, and the doctor told me I should do high impact exercises to increase my bone density. I set the vibrations down between 15 & 30 For my exercises that I do on the platform. I was told doing exercises for ten minutes on a WBV machine for ten minutes is as beneficial as an hour at the gym. (Not sure I buy that). But if the vibrations are too high, they don't give your muscles time to react. But, I crank it up to 70+ because at the higher vibration, it stimulates the lymph system... which helps flush out toxins. silverliningsandparkinsons....