Hello all, does anyone have gastroparesis or information about it? Thanks so much.
Gastroparesis: Hello all, does anyone have... - Cure Parkinson's

Gastroparesis is neuropathy of the vagus nerve. Dr. Bernstein on gastroparesis.
Last third talks about drugs used for it and diet modifications.
Very interesting talk with a physician. The topic is gastroparesis connected to diabetes but I can't imagine gastroparesis from Parkinson's is any different. His favorite medication is domperidone which can only be gotten from Canada. In the U.S. reglan is an old favorite. In my vet practice reglan was commonly used as an antiparasitic, antibacterial and immune modulator. I used it for any disease that included vomiting as a sign. He mentioned ondansetron. My wife was on that when undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. Absolutely no stomach problems while using it. In fact she felt good enough to help me building a barn. I have photos of her hairless atop our three-story barn putting in roof panels.
Hi MissRita, anything with GAS in front of it means a bad combination of things that don't mix well. Somethings we don't have control over what the disease is doing to us and our brain function. We do have control over what we put in our mouth. But desire and greed to satisfy our lust for food causes us to eat anything our whole life because we have been lied to about the food we should eat mostly from the Dairy and Meat industry and advertising. Doctors get 6 weeks of information on nutrition. They have no right to suggest to us what we should eat. One of the leading cause of death is Medical services. Young ignorant proud children Doctors are killing people out of lack of knowledge and experience. Starches and proteins don't mix. That is just basic high school chemistry. It causes GAS in our stomachs. That gas gets into our system and causes all kind of trouble. Humans are primate same as Gorillas. Our system is identical as theirs almost. Go to the zoo and the plaque will say Fruitarian.
Very interesting and thank you. So you’re telling me as we should just be eating fruit all the time?
Hi MissRita. First you need to go on a transition diet. Fruit is a major cleanser. Start with gradual eliminating bad junk food. Maybe over 1 mo each day drop a little something. Take it very slow otherwise you will get to sick from your own waste coming out Replace with salads, steamed veggies for 3 to 6 mo depending on you condition. If your over weight or on medication forget it till you loose weight and detox from all Meds . Then after maybe 1 year you will be able to eat just fruit. I did it for 1 year once but its to difficult. Lust for food is deep in subconscious. The head is the block from everything. You must understand and research first Fruitarian Diet as the natural primate diet. Half the battle will be it you experiencing loosing weight and the change in diet. Now I eat most plant diet but my wife eats everything so I love to indulge once and a while. This is the short version. I'm radical and I don't recommend this unless you consult you primary Dr. Its very interesting and as a side effect you might get well.
The enteric nervous system controlling the GI tract is part of the autonomic nervous system which is affected in PD. Gastroparesis occurs in most people with PD, as contractions in the GI tract become sluggish. This is why constipation is so common in PD, often appearing years before motor symptoms.
Watch out for paralytic illeus, an excruciatingly painful condition in which the GI tract stops movement altogether. It most commonly occurs following abdominal surgery. Occured for me; worse than childbirth pain. I regularly take a prokinetic ,(pro-movement) drug called domperidone. Without it, taking Sinemet produces terrible nausea. With domperidone, no problems! For complicated reasons, this drug is not available in the US.
I have gastroparesis and have done for many years. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask away.
Thank you. Took a gastric emptying test, and I have the exact opposite- I have rapid emptying. I emptied 90% of my contents in 3 hours...so no Gastroparesis.
hi, how did it all start was it suddenly curious asIbcant stop thinking I may have it
It was from the Mucuna. I had been taking it since 2016 and quite frankly I was taking too much and it kept making me throw up to the point where it was projectile vomiting. Although before that back in 2013 before I even showed signs or symptoms of PD I had an episode of regurgitating undigested food by vomiting. I think my gastric system has always been very sensitive especially the Vagus nerve.
The stomach can be underactive or over-active. Regan works for either condition. If I saw rapid emptying in an animal patient, I'd try reglan. In the past I was on it. The only side effect I had was ringing ears.
I find it very interesting. The problem that I have mainly is that if I don’t take a little bit of Mucuna which has dextrin in it for a binder purpose than my large and small intestine tend to be spasmodic which sets off the tremors and it’s brutal. Right now my regime is 2 levodopa XR 25/100 tabs in the morning with one Azilect, and then 1/8 tsp Mucuna which does have the dextrin in it. When I have stop taking the Mucuna I notice that the motility on The large and small intestine become affected.
It’s kind of hard to explain to my current neurologist because they’re not motility specialist and they are more along the lines of specialists within the tremor part of it but even then they keep having to try different medications and right now my combination seems to be working over the last week to 10 days which has been a great relief!